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Dresden Del Rio
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Arielle 466d
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Tony 466d
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Mae Latender 466d
Mae Latender
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Sky 466d
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Christy 466d
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Hadley 466d
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Kasza Hall 466d
Kasza Hall
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Shiny 466d
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Elnore Levells Witherspoons
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Oh my goodness I have been going to the lake nonstop because I don't even know why I just love the lake so much it's like actually so beautiful the ocean scares me like the ocean it can be beautiful but it's so vast and like I don't know I just like scares the absolute crap out of me but I've been going to the lake like the past week and oh I love it
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Ocean the lakes just I mean I've never been to a lake but I mean like just know the lakes ocean is better
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Lake Michigan in Chicago for sure. No sharks, no radiators, nothing that's gonna **** me in half. So, I'll go with the lake. But Lake Michigan, because I'm not for sure there's nothing crazy in that lake.
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Um, I never saw him in the ocean before but like, I wouldn't experience it and stuff But I would prefer swimming in a lake because after that Titanic ship number two Y'all catch me, Simon, in our ocean of folk.
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I'm not gonna go up the damn on lake because bitch no, I'm not finna fucking die in the fucking ocean trying to get fucking sink bitch hell no I'm not finna sink in the damn ocean and die and blow it, hell to the fucking no And I'm not finna get either by no damn fish or no damn shark if I have to go out I'm gonna have to go out in the natural as we I'll lay in my own water.
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I like legs because you can like shit in them and like you don't have to worry about like a tide coming in like pushing up your shit back up to the beach, you know like Yeah.
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Neither, neither, because I'm terrified of fish. I've been scared of fish since I was little. Fish, like, they're gonna come up to me and touch me and I hate it. It's so scary. Also, they're both just so scary. I don't want them to, like, eat my hand off or something, because when I was little, I watched this documentary called, Like Catching Monsters, and, like, they're telling me how catfish can, like, eat a man's hand, so not the lake. And then the ocean, um, no, because there's jellyfish. Like, not the, like, I've touched the non-pollistinous ones, but the actual pollistinous ones, like, no. That is...
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I mean I live on the way right now so I can't even so I was really like a biase opinion we personally have like I like like better
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I sent the ocean is a lot more faster on the latest report thank y'all love y'all
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