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Gaymer Girl β€’ 458d
Gaymer Girl
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Essence β€’ 458d
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Nickis Sacrifice β€’ 458d
Nickis Sacrifice
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Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice β€’ 458d
Nickis Sacrifice
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Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
Nickis Sacrifice
No β€’ 458d
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Anabelle β€’ 458d
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Ty β€’ 458d
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Kyle β€’ 457d
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Yagirltrac β€’ 457d
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Urmom β€’ 456d
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What is a supernatural experience you've had? You can just lay one down or as many down as you feel called to. I know me personally, I've had a lot. Or unexplained experiences where I'm like, what just happened? And then all I have is like the internet and Reddit boards and like the back roads of the internet that nobody travels and then the freaks gather and talk about like weird stuff. Yeah. So I kind of want this thread to be that. What are some supernatural experiences, out of body experiences, actual experiences, meditative experiences, energy and entity experiences? I mean, anything goes. This is a safe space. Go ahead and drop them down below.
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It was like three lines, like just scratched across my boob. Just three lines that looked like freaking claws. And it wasn't my cat because my cat's paws are not like that. But that freaked me out. There was another time when I heard a noise at my sister's house and I looked up and there was like just this white cloudy figure just sitting at the edge of the bed. I was like, oh heck no. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. So I went up and slept in my niece's room, who was like five at the time.
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Dude, when was the last time you saw an apparition of sorts? Curious. But, yeah, you're naturally tuned in. You are. Yeah. Yeah. It's different when you see an apparition. Because it really is like, you're trying to rub your eyes and like, is this real? Oh yeah, it's real. It's happening. Did you take a salt bath cleanse or something? And did the scratches happen last?
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OK I got one so I carry my phone charger in my purse and one day I just suddenly you know disappear and I was like literally desperately trying to find it and so I have a Lotta stuff in there but I am pretty out I had like spilled sugar in there don't ask why but like I literally deep clean clean my purse and
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OK couple days later I asked everybody around they said they don't know him then one night I found it plain inside inside of my purse I'm nowhere I could've missed it when I cleaned it and so I was like this someone sneak it back in their right but like nobody knew where I cut my purse either so still to this day I cannot explain it
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Yeah, that is wild. That's wild. Them damn FaZe playing tricks on ya. Oh man. And I said FaZe, not Gaze everybody. FaZe. No, that's wild. That's definitely unexplained. I'm happy you cleaned off the sugar though. Shoot. Maybe that was the purpose. That was a lesson. Clean out your damn purse girl. And then that was your reward.
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So when I was 16 I had a sleep paralysis episode I literally was laying down watching a movie and I blinked and I couldn't move like I said I couldn't move my body or anything and I heard footsteps coming down the hallway like the floor creaking as like their feet hit the ground and this big tall black buff figure walk through the door
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And he came behind me he he like walked behind me and he was saying something to me and I understood what he was saying but like after I came out the episode like I cannot remember what he said to me but I understood what he said to me at the time like I don't know how else to describe it but what broke me out of it is that I said Jesus and I'm not really religious or anything but that they literally broke me out of it like stopped everything right then and there and was
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When I came back to my TV show that I was watching or the movie that I was watching was only like a couple of seconds ahead and when I was in the sleep paralysis day it felt like it it was like at least five minutes and also I'll like looked up the description of the guy and there's this demon that I saw literally has a name has a picture like it was everything that I saw like this I know that is real
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Like because how can people write something like that off as sleep paralysis is just like a disorder or whatever when people have countless accounts of seeing the exact same demon why that's not making sense to me like a winner all connected with the fuck well I mean we are but like we don't we don't know each other you know we didn't speak to each other like why do we see the exact same thing in the year when I just try to write it off as being fucking like mentally ill
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Dang, Nikki, thank you so much for sharing that with us. Sleep paralysis is not fun whatsoever. I've had episodes before and I'm happy that you were able to say something to bring power back to the situation. I'm not religious either, but if I'm in a pickle in an energetic situation you best believe I'm breaking out some prayers, okay?
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Hello I just had to scroll back up to tell you that shit because I forgot that I forgot about this one like for a split second but I was having a nightmare and in the nightmare I had two cousins in there one of them was by the window and I was in the corner he was by the window the other one was by our bedroom door
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So the cousin by the window was looking at his reflection and just being fucking weird then he started to like blow his breath into the window and then he drew a face on it and then he started like chanting stuff and she started to fly all around the room by wind was blowing my other cousin was by the bedroom door telling me like come on a Kia like we gotta leave we gotta go like we gotta get out of here
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And I was scared as shit like I was scared I just put my head down into my lap and like was just like crying and like try and like to wait for that they do shit to be over right then like I didn't hear anybody's voice is anymore I just heard like the wind blowing around me and I looked up and Jesus was standing like the white Jesus that you know we see on his things or whatever he was standing in front of me but his eyes were blue like like like I see blue eyes
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And Lord Jesus I was scared of shit I was scared as shit as I Musta I jumped up like in like I woke up in real life and his and he was still standing over me it was the most scariest shit ever I don't get a scare just like sex reciting it like for real like he was still there and but it like it was like see-through he was like see-through at this point so I ran up the stairs like as fast as I could but every time I will blink like I still had his like image like
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I don't know when it's not recorded but I still have his image like burning to my leg vision like I do you know when you have a light in your eyes and it's still there when you close your eyes comes in it was like that like it was the most scary shit ever like the other one was scarier because it was like in real life in real life but that one like that one was deafly scary too late I don't know I don't know
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Dude, both of your experiences are scary. Alright nah nah And then it's one thing to you know have a nightmare But then to wake up from that nightmare and then have a visitation like surprise motherfucker. I'm still here No, no, no, no, no, no, I'd be scared too Lord I wonder what you were what? I have so many thoughts right now, so many thoughts. next one.
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So I'm like thinking what around this time did both of these experience happen around the same time? Or were there different periods of your life? And then the next thing that I have going on is Yo, you're spiritually gifted tapped in tuned in and you know a lot of times when you are When things fuck with you, it's because you got the light baby. And yeah, so Yeah, you tapped and tuned in. I see you. I see you, Nikki. Yeah, what's good girl?
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So the first one happened when I was 13 on my cousin times when I was 13 and the one with my with the paralysis that's when I was like 16 or 17
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What is the one time I was biking in next to the trail that I was biking on there is a Kaden on the other side of the gate was like an RV park I think and I saw like this whole family people just standing in front of the gate and they were images of their taking a family photo like there was a little kid is there was there were parents they were like grandparents and you know I was just like a whole thing and they were all just likes and Blakely like really creepy smiling as if they were like possessed and I think they were like Skinwalker say something I don't know
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Yeah, sounds like the NPCs are glitching. Sounds creepy. Especially if they're not moving, staring, blinkly, smiling. Mm-mm. Class to go.
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I went to my friend's house in like fifth grade and she apparently had a bunch of paranormal experiences but I didn't believe her because I was like a fifth grader and all of a sudden we're home alone like completely home alone playing Minecraft, eating the one fifth grade stuff and all of a sudden we hear like old record music like like like the Fleetwoods or something like that and like dancing footsteps from upstairs and I didn't go upstairs because I'm not freaking stupid but we just went outside to play because we don't mess with that.
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Damn! They're having a whole ghost party upstairs. Sounds kinda lit. I wonder what kind of hors d'oeuvres they were serving.
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No bro I got it I got to see this bro like I was in my my Roomba I was sleeping for some reason my pants comes off like how the fuck I was Barenaked hope not know how bro I fucking does pull my pants down like it like what the fuck
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Thank you for sharing ye. So after you were butt naked, Is there anything else happened after that? Was the job finished?
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I've had my first show of experiences with entities getting freaky. I feel so good in the moment. But so many are crets after.
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Um, this happened like three years ago, so I was just like going down the stairs to get some water because I was like so thirsty and I'm walking down my stairs and I get my water and I just decided to go in the living room because why not and then there's this huge tall like black figure and it's just standing there and I'm like what in the bloody May and
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Bro, you wouldn't believe me, you wouldn't believe me. So, I was drinking some McDonald's Spray, and guess what bro? My dick just started floating up to the moon.
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