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Dino Wizard 382d
Dino Wizard
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Maria 382d
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Trayvon 382d
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So water fasting is basically where all you do is drink water. I am down 10 pounds in about a week and a half of doing it. And it's fucking great. You just don't eat like anything I have eaten a little bit because it's really not like you get like really fucking tired if you don't eat anything, which is the bit like the first two days. That was my biggest problem. But. Then I started like eating a little bit for breakfast and then that would get me through the day. I drink enough to where, see a lot of people would be like, I don't think I could go this long without eating any food. Water is like an appetite suppressant. If your stomach is full, you're not going to want to eat. So if you keep your stomach full of water, like I'm, dude, I'm drinking gallons a day, like probably one to two gallons. And when you have nothing in your stomach to you want water more. the longer you do it, as long as you keep with it, at this point, I'm fine with doing it. I have no urge to stop drinking water and go buy a pizza, and I'm going to continue losing a fuck ton of weight. I've lost so much fucking weight. It's amazing. It's great. It's moderately healthy. I think there was some things on the internet that said it's terrible for you, but ignore that. It's healthy, I promise, unless you have some kind of dietary restrictions or something, or you have cancer, maybe you probably shouldn't do this, but it's sick. If you're trying to lose There you go.
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I barely even eat it so it's like I'm fasting but not with water. The only thing I drink is iced tea. Maybe I'll have a little cheat meal every once in a while just to watch release and fasting. Yeah, what's with the albino monkey bro?
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Well to be honest I'm gonna start doing waterfalls over the summer which is crazy because it's summer is supposed to enjoy yourself eat stuff and you know but yeah I really need to start taking care of my self so I'm gonna do a lot of us and if people are wondering how well the first wave so you just drink water all day until like 8 PM or seven and then you eat so you don't eat more breakfast and lunch
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Oh my friend is a I hope I know work is to
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