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Spizzlethorp' 379d
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Melanin Seduction
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Hey there do you watch ASMR videos whether it's just people opening packages or you know making noise with products that you shouldn't put in your mouth however do you also enjoy watching videos of people eating like copious amounts of food different color type foods different textures does the slurping for the crackling are the crunching does it bother you or do you enjoy it like what What feeling doesn't give you right do you enjoy watching those videos and listening to those videos or maybe you just enjoy listening and not watching him but I also wanna know leg does it stress you out at all and to any shape or form of like oh my God the damage is doing to that person's teeth or oh my God their health or or is that just me I can't be the only one like I know I don't know that person or any of those people for that matter but I just think like their teeth and their body and their health and their minds at it right because You know yesterday whenever money but they're also doing it for views to some shape or form let's be honest
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Put on the other 0M yeah sometimes ASMR can be like really relaxing like sometimes can be a bit too relaxing ha ha yeah I can be a bit too relaxing But I am in the late if you listen to this and also sometimes like listen like meditation with me
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I was one of the like the original ASMR fans back when it was looked at as weird But it's pretty normal now I catch myself, you know strong to tick tock or you too watch people eat rough I'm like, I should look good It ain't really for the sound to me. It's more like a If it tastes good or not, so I guess full reviews They must still watch from me to shit.
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Yo, I do. I do watch ASMR videos sometimes. I like the ones that like someone's cooking or They're like cutting up something and so you hear and all the like little sounds. I like those I'm thinking about making some of those videos too.
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