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Jon 403d
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FauxMyn 403d
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Auntie Social 403d
Auntie Social
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𓄅The G҇͐̊o͒̍͠á͒̐͌́͠T of fear
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ArabHoe 396d
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FauxMyn 403d
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Kee 396d
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Kevin Castro 396d
Kevin Castro
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Men, you are all fucking delusional. What the fuck? Here's the thing, here's the dilemma. I want to tell a man to his face why this behavior is inappropriate and absolutely despicable and really fucking immature and that of a seventh grader. I want to say that to his face, but men are dangerous and they come after you. And like, we have to just ignore that bad behavior and move on. thing is if nobody ever calls men out on their shitty ass fucking behavior and if nobody ever embarrasses them into not acting that way, they're just gonna go on with life continuing to think it's okay. So a man on this app slides into my fucking DMs yesterday, starts to hit on me. Whatever. They're innocuous, harmless, cute little like puns, right? So I entertain it very briefly. And then just out of nowhere, he's like, I like thick women. You want to show me how thick? What the fuck? Why would I want to show you how thick? First of all, I don't know how old you are, I don't know what you look like. You do not have your fucking socials attached to your stereo, and I do. So you know what the fuck I look like. You think I'm just some desperate, thirsty bitch who wants validation from any random man on the internet and I'm just gonna be like, yeah, let me show you a picture of my ass right now. And then when I don't reply, he slides in again. What's your snap? What the fuck is wrong with you? We are first of all not on a dating app where we've already established we're both attracted to each other and interested. So why are you just coming at me thinking that because you like thick women? Okay dude, I like pizza. Order me a fucking pizza. I like pizza man. You want to show me how much this woman can love pizza? Order me a pizza. I like diamond rings. Buy me a diamond ring man. I love diamond rings. Why don't you slide into my snap and give me a diamond ring? What the fuck? You treat women like sex workers. and then you're surprised when they're disgusted by you.
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Sounds to me like you're just being a bitch say what you need to say pussy motherfucker
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You realize that due to the times When you guys say man You're talking about all Including the people you say is trans So I'm just curious With that being taken into consideration Once they make the complete transition, do you guys hate on them just as much?
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I have noticed that this memo is getting a lot of attention and my notifications keep telling me that people are commenting on this. But, um... I don't want to hear what men have to say, so I'm not going to listen to anyone's replies. But I'm glad you guys are all engaging with my content. Thanks. Uh... Sarri, I'm not going to listen to your memo though. I value my mental health way too much.
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Damn slide those men over to me I need somebody to slide in my DM's
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I Know I am lost I listen to that like two times and I'm still lost But I agree with you though. I do agree. I'm a guy. I am a man
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Yeah but there's also such thing as double standards and I could see some stuff like all the women have disregard for men's mental and emotional health and also you you're generalising wow wow you're generalising you had an encounter with a single man in idioms I know my friend here on the counter with a single woman who raped him and I used to go how can a man get raped yeah you didn't except resulted in a very mad wave
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But like I can't generalise and say that all women rapist and maybe there's a bit of like sure to be an interesting comparison saying or a man in my DM Singham I wanna see I think you're in a girl rape someone okay will organise I'll go below are why are there so many women in general is that all men are trash Oh my mum will test for that my dad is amazing I have friends that aren't men that are girls I will testify that I'm a pro or a dude and I'm not sure
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Select why generalise an old man when we could've generalise back in a woman why have the divide 10 say okay some people are sick freaks why not handle softer than idioms with yourself instead of preaching to the public like we could do anything bro literally till they going to suck his mum or something report him even though there's a report button you know there's a reporter bunya have you heard of report born Ever
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Why not sit back and actually observe life from an objective viewpoint? You're angry, but it's just an outcry of emotion because you're didn't satisfy particular things in your life. Maybe you're insecure, maybe there's things you desire, but you haven't acquired. Then I ask, if you were to sit down, look at history, go through the notions, emotions. Do you think you'd see?
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As a representative of the male community we don't except him him we are become in the name of Jesus Christ him with he has done to you is a Undescribable a unredeemable in the yeah we did it I said that Knigge need a new weird you weirdo I don't know what else to say then that they decided wow damn
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That is That's like probably virgin boy behavior bro That's No I got angry undo this on this one this is like love you weird and fucking creepy like why do you wait wait why don't just expose the guy I see your screenshot I just posted and like everyone can make fun of his ass
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