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Smd 395d
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NekogotbigD 395d
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Lc 395d
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Candace Boyd 395d
Candace Boyd
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Nicholas GROSZ
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Mohamed Ahmed 394d
Mohamed Ahmed
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Odil Jumanov 394d
Odil Jumanov
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Sui 394d
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Prefer to watch TV shows or do you prefer to watch movies for me this so difficult question because it really depends on the mood that I'm in for days when I'm relaxing I just want to play some games and chill for the whole day then I'll watch a TV show or if I'm getting home from school and I can't be bothered to watch the full film that's when I put on the TV show but if I'm in the mood to actually pay full attention some thing that's when I put on a phone and watch a film which is usually Four or five times a week I watch film and I will make sure I am I have my full devoted attention to that film yeah what do you think
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I prefer TV shows because when I'm in the mood and I want to watch something, like I watch a TV show because it's long, there's no stop. But movies like there's a stop and I gotta watch something new. Like it's just not it for me. Honestly, like a horror movie, I'll watch it, but no.
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I'd rather watch YouTube than hear those.
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Personally I watch I like movies the ones that are action or romantic I like gay movies just because I'm not gay so yeah and I'm not homophobic I watch these kids so it's also probably why I like it but I am Yeah I want a good romantic movie to watch with my boyfriend when I get older I don't know
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To be honest, I don't watch neither because I feel like it's a waste of my time and I can also tell the difference between a man and woman and most women on their television and aka same thing movies are men and most men are, oh my god, women. and most people can't tell a difference and I'm gonna get aggravated by the stupidity of...
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I tend to prefer watching TV shows cause if you only got full of a time really in the mood to watch for a little bit watched just episode but in the same kind of idea if you're more tiny when you're more invested a TV series last a lot longer than just a movie so I like that it's more diverse depending on how much time you have an investment you want to make with the time
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I have just depends on what time you'd people and watch TV shows on something tonight or do I make a series or movie so it all depends just one thing median
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TV shows for sure I was like just get such a great understanding of the characters are you doing the movie because TV schedule for watching an episode after episode watching the development and it's always amazing how they can just continue on the next season yet after have a lot of movies and stuff do I have to wait a copy everybody Mexico will you may never Mexico's that great of a movie
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For me definitely movies TV shows there's just an Unlimited amount I mean I guess you could think the same thing about movies, but movies. It's like you watch one you're done You know there's not five seasons 25 episodes each and that's been becoming less of the norm now But still you know and I usually break stuff apart over lunches and stuff So, you know, in a day, I can watch a movie versus it just takes a lot to kind of jump into a show.
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Red actually the pu like if there's actually a good TV show then I would watch it same happens with the movies like if there's some kind of good movies but I think but I would prefer to watch movies
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Well depends but I would like more like movies because I don't have patience to watch and I'm tired to be sure
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