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TLiyah Boyd 460d
TLiyah Boyd
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Raigon Doyle
Ellie S
Kilted Liam
Emilyy 460d
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Kilted Liam
I'm not even gonna hold you. I just don't like y'all cuz I don't like y'all accent. I don't... I don't like it.
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How can you not like someone because of their accent?
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Hey listen here, if you're gonna try and do an accent at least get it right like come on You can't dissaus or trity you can't even do the what accent and there's different accents like I was different accents in the fucking America Yeah.
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Right, I'm going to stop you there. Right, I'm going to stop you there. Accents in America are quite different from the ones that we get in the UK. Americans, what they call a different accent, it's like different words, it's a different dialect. But accents over here, it's the way we talk, right? It's the way Scottish people talk, it's the way English people talk.
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I don't think it's non-personal like we don't hate you I think we just like me in front of y'all that you guys are just funny to make fun of that but I miss that but you got I mean like you guys are fun to make fun of the it you got I mean yay
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Aye, what kind of gets me is the way they kind of say a bottle of water. Bottle of water? It's, it's, it's like they don't pronounce the T. It's, it's mental how they made up the language. And yet, they are the ones that kind of remove some of the, some of the pronunciations.
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