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Gabrielle 408d
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Aaliyah 408d
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Vik 408d
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Austin P 408d
Austin P
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Austin P
Zestiness 408d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Ev 407d
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Ayli 407d
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Bentley The Goat
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oh yeah you're right there is male and female that's just biology but people saying like intersex like what the fuck is intersex is like okay I think I think what it is is when you're born was like both parts which is actually rare but I heard it's like possible but I don't know I don't know if intersex is actually a thing I mean if I'm wrong please correct me They are T-Genders.
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My friend was born with tits but also a dick so I think she's one of the rare ones and she's only like 15 oh no
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OK no offense to the people who like don't don't come after me for this but if you want to be a girl and your boy you're still gonna be a boy no matter what if you're a girl and you wanna be a boy but whatever yeah whatever that most of us you're still gonna be the same gender as you were born as no matter what no matter how much you change because it's not gonna change your like DNA and like whatever you call that kind of crap you Know
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Daughter daughter I have a new gay son
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Actually I'm in the damn I'm mentally insane I am sorry I am bisexual no actually I change my mind I am now for now on I'll fucking pan sexual
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2023 is fucking weird honestly like I met this one girl fucking barked at me for no reason I was just buying a oh yeah I went to Quiktrip right by myself a fucking microwave a ball burrito and some fucking girl came out of nowhere and started barking at me calling telling me yelling at me because I called her a she
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This is the neighborhood anyway where girl has a dick and a pussy so basically you're not going to gender Come hold it
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I agree with all of you, you're just uneducated and homophobic like this modern moon gender there's like non binary gender fluid and people who decide to be transgender and people who don't identify as neither a girl or boy, they're just a human, they're ridiculous how people be so homophobic.
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I do have like an opinion on this sex is different male and female those are those are the two sexy you are identified as when you were born no gender is something that you identify as so it's like oh I am she her but somebody else can be here him he has they them but you can identify as an object like a fucking paintbrush a dildo vibrator whatever the fuck like that's just not valid
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So like I'm not gonna lie there like I'm Christian myself but like like even though like Like I would say like it's okay if someone says that they're like non-binary or something like that like gender food or whatever it's called but like like like um True there is only two genders though because like if more people become like transgender we won't like populate
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Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like.
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That's actually wrong because I'm a toaster so that it's this discrimination
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