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Dodgy 433d
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Big Black Daddy JoJo
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Thomas Zurick 433d
Thomas Zurick
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Kool-aid man 433d
Kool-aid man
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Pierrette 433d
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Fights n wild ash
Nathaniel Cintron
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Fights n wild ash
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Lexii 433d
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Yasmin Ali 433d
Yasmin Ali
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Cee 433d
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You really came on the Internet to show some money like what the fuck have you never seen money before have you never made money before if you're at 1415 years old I'll allow you in it you know I mean kids get excited over money by shield big man flexing on stereo out of all apps with money then that's weird shit bro
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K Video<|yo|><|translate|> Pick me Thank you What? I haven't finished
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Wait, whatcha gonna do with that money? Bye, next walk's gift card!
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Water a piece of hair on them all your money that ain't cute take a different photo
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Okay, how do we even know if that's real or that's a real money? We don't know that. All we know you could have got that out of your daddy's pocket.
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And I told my cousin it was Roman but no it was not Saint Roman but I was really young at this point but we're not gonna talk about it But that could be fake money for all you owe Be a dollar that was colors but now all my money is green that could be fake money
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So you gonna go to show up but I gotta give me some like at least him like a 20 yard give me Phibro lease Wheaton broken mitten
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I don't see the play of Alexa money because all they gotta work but I give money from my brothers cause they always always be sub
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I just feel like like personally I don't think that's the money and if it is why are you flexing it because now somebody see you and I take your money you feel so stupid oh my God I should put my money on the app yeah cause you're dumb like stop flexing your money and go put your mom money back she need it for her rent the hell
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Like I got this whole notion about you I get your bread out stuck your money by the same time like I don't know that you could have fatty Grindr 40 grand like in the bank and then you drop dead so realistically that you're there stuck in your money would like with holding yourself from spending all I just enjoying it and then you die at the end of it you do you know what I mean so what are you actually staffing for because society tells you need to have this sum of money in your account we need to have a nice house
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My name looks like the hardware stuck my money up. Give me ideas.
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