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Sampson 426d
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Jenni 426d
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The Yellow Goon
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So does anybody else have like a really hard time with procrastination I've been do my physics homework for a while like six hours and I have not even done one question because I've been sitting on TikTok for six hours I've been sitting in my bed like literally watching TickTock I am OK I'm supposed to make eight pages of notes And do all the practice questions cause I got a test tomorrow I've been sitting on TikTok for six hours does anyone else have this fucking problem because I don't know
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And did anyone ask?
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No, no one else has problems with procrastination, especially not me. I would never personally struggle with that because that's for people that aren't me.
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So they say it's due on Friday OK and you got like a whole week to do it make yourself think it's due on Wednesday so you gotta do it by Wednesday but then you got three days to not give a fuck about it
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literally I can't get shit done like I swear to god yes I have this problem like I could have been halfway done with like my I'm gonna do idiot shit that I've been doing but no.
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That was boring.
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Some people may not like this at all, but, and I'm sorry in advance, but what's helped me personally, keyword personally, is that I did Myers-Briggs tests, found out what my Myers-Briggs is, and just went from there on what works best for people of my thought, you know, way of thinking. And I've learned a lot of steps and tools on how to, you know, achieve success, so I suggest you try that. And I'm sorry if it doesn't work.
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And I'm not trying to put you in a box or anyone in a box, it's just this is what helped me get started. This is what helped me actually get things done and have some kind of direction. Now, yes, you know, it can generalize, you know, all of us and maybe kind of put us in boxes. I'm not trying to do that. It's just, again, just to help you get somewhere, help you get to point B, you know.
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One awesome quote someone told me is that it's good to honor your way of thinking, to accept who you are, how you think, how you operate, and to listen to yourself, which would really help you get to your, you know, your success, because, yeah. Another awesome tip someone told me from a video I watched is slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
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The slowest, smoothest, fastest advice is about how some people may view time differently. And maybe you want to get everything done because there's only so much time. However, if you take your time and do one thing at a time, for example, and just get that thing done and complete it, even though it takes a while, at least you get it done versus doing a bunch of things and then never completing everything after a certain period of time.
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That's why slow is smooth and smooth is fast. So then at least maybe two years later You can look back and say hey I accomplished a B C and D because I took my time and did one thing at a time Did move to the next thing did that complete it now? Maybe maybe you don't have to do what I do. That's for me Maybe you operate differently, but in case you don't there's that advice. That's a start there. I hope all of this helps I really mean to not put you in a box or anything. It's just to get you to point B
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