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Erik Q 539d
Erik Q
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Hector Carbonell
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Hector Carbonell
Amy Niggatona 539d
Amy Niggatona
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Kayden 539d
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Krazy Chris 528d
Krazy Chris
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British actors take American roles because I've seen this type of dialogue onto I think about how British actors shouldn't take American roles because they always take American roles. And I think it's a bit dumb the argument because it's like bro in England it's hard enough to get jobs in acting especially as a black actor so you have to go to the hotspot of acting which is Hollywood and Marapa and there's just more charges for more roles and if you know more roles are being given to British actors it just is what it is. The game is the game charges for the game in it. Yeah
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Yeah, it's pretty stupid if you ask me. I mean if an actor is qualified to do the job Clearly they can do the job like what else man? Wee! Yeah, seriously, I'm not...
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I mean I feel like it should be fine as long as they have a pretty good American accent which they usually do like like Andrew Lincoln on The Walking Dead or where Tom Holland and I don't really watch movies like
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From my knowledge, from the people I know that are British, that play American characters, they do it pretty good.
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I don't think British people should be in America you took too many ells trying to win this country I don't think you should be allowed back in this country
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Yes, because Americans are cringy as fuck and British people do it better.
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Rick wraps requirements requirements requirements with wraps wraps wraps wraps require
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