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Harley 572d
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Anaya 570d
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Alexander Davis
Bend Dover 569d
Bend Dover
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Ashley Breathe
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Michael Schaat
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NaNa 569d
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Alexander Davis
This is a struggle debate with only one real answer and I just wanna know everyone's opinion on this topic do you believe transwomen are actual women like and vice versity believe transmanneral men all that
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I believe the actual women have XX chromosomes and actual men have ex-chromosomes and that there's nothing you can do to change that you cannot change the chromosomes you were born with so therefore you can't change your sex or gender no matter
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But stabled women black women and white women are all women can the raised doesn't change their gender okay those two things have nothing to do with each other but their men
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Transgender women are men okay doesn't matter what race they are a white transgender woman is a man a black transgender woman is a fucking man like what are you talking about
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Honestly, I don't care what really anyone has to say. I do think that they are. Like, I don't even know how to explain it. It's just like they are what they want to be so they transition to that and hold on
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It's just like understanding them and stuff is so like why would you even do that in the first place it's just like they are who they want to be you know why bother then you know I don't know I am bear don't reply to me please
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iMessage old iMessage on here and I will do it as a day I really really get to the bank and then I'm asking you do you say that you're such a stupid as I'm gonna give you like a big Asberry nothing to give me like a big ass terrible stupid and you're a nerd ass Knigge get off of it as I was on my list it isn't
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I'm just playing and I, you know, I got love for you. don't miss the outcome.
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No trans women are not actual women but they identify as well but they are biologically they're really not women and anyways so
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So I have two questions do you believe trans women's to be able to use regular women bathrooms and to do you think transforming to compete with other women in sports
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Fuck no and fuck no I don't know why because transwomen are men why the fuck would men be in the fucking women's basketball team you know it's not fair and second of all men in the women's bathroom now
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Yeah I did I agree with that too to be honest like you if you're a trans men are you trans women like to get to the other end of the day Nagy you're still a man you're still a woman lying it is what it is
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Yes and yes
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Oh, fuck off.
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The term real women sucks like if you mean biologically then obviously trans people do not fall under those categories but if you're talking like on a social class in standard and how they should be treated yes they should be treated how they identify with
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Of course I mean biologically everyone means biologically nobody's nobody's using these under these terms for these under meat like the secret meaning of the word yes biologically
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And literally what I mean is like trans women are men there's no other gender that's like a man who thinks he's a woman that's a whole other thing going on over there no you're either a man or a woman and you cannot switch your gender
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Wow, I definitely know that trans is trending all this conversation on here. Do any of you actually know a trans person? Have you ever spoke to one? Follow me.
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Yes I agree 100% I support you 100% it is trending and keep at it
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I'm just gonna say the trans women and trans men are not real women or real men because they're not biologically real they're just trans
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Because at the end of the day and I'm sure most of y'all are for this but the end of the day when scientist find a dead dragon identifies as a man or a woman no matter what you identify as they're gonna
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I don't believe in that stuff I'm a Christian and nobody's gonna take up your body when you die you're just gonna be in a grave and if you believe in afterlife you go to heaven or hell that's all no one's gonna take up your body and if they did they will be digging up too many wide bodies cause there's like so many people in the world they would it they would probably not even get to you it would be a weird chance it would get to you
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