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Renee Shelkey 462d
Renee Shelkey
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Erza 461d
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Juan Arroyo 461d
Juan Arroyo
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Alyssa 461d
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Tay 461d
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
Blinera 460d
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Himmy Turner 458d
Himmy Turner
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OK guys so today was the Sabbath and I do on the Sabbath so that's why you haven't had any questions until now so the question of this evening the first question that I have is would you marry someone that is locked up in jail I mean literally still locked up not getting ready to come out might be serving life but you fall in love over Haverhill you know maybe the Internet you met them through the Internet or something and they're locked up and they have life or just years or even maybe months but they propose to you would you marry them chime in let me know
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Man fuck no Knigge I wouldn't even be on the Internet and I'm saying I just go spit IRL my Knigge fuck an hour ago they be doing some weird ass shit in prison especially to the female Knigge I'm not trying to be about it all day for me
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No, I would not date someone that is locked up from jail. I can't see the benefit of that. not only the criminal aspect they could have, but you wouldn't see them for how long.
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I don't know you don't need any benefits for anyone because since you're married to him like you shouldn't look at it it's like benefiting from it
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That's gonna be a no. It's not what I want for myself.
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I don't know about that. Ah, I had to think about that one.
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nope I feel like it's just a lot like I don't know I don't think I would though
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Oh yeah, I wouldn't marry anyone with a post.
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Okay, Tay, I think you're being funny, but okay.
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No it's like my honest opinion oh what are you what the hell the balls nobles the walls a pulse oh and oh do you know this song
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Definitely not.
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No just know if you get locked up or if I get locked up I want to say you know it is good we broken up because first of all yeah I'm not doing that shit I think long distance Eagan fucking chill
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I think that goes with anyone, anyone, not just someone in jail for me, if there's someone I really am in love with, like I am undoubtedly in love with them and there's, we both have similar likes and interests and goals and ways of thinking in terms of, in ways that's healthy, ways that helps each other, yes.
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And I don't know the reason why they went to jail I don't know the reason and everyone makes mistakes things happen You know, they didn't just go to jail because they were wanting to go to jail. They just you know so You know, we just have those interests and I know that love makes you do wonderful things You know, so I know and they and they you know, hold on I have to do another one
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And they know that, you know, um, their love for me really makes them work hard to keep themselves clean. Um, I'm not saying, like, I feel bad for saying that, like, everyone makes mistakes, like, not just them. I'm just saying that, I don't know what it, I don't know what they got in trouble for, but they really try, like, you know, love inspires them to really stay with me and stay out of jail. That's it.
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