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Westonn 445d
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OG F̷̡͍͔̺̙̊̋͋̕LE̵̪͐̌̕ͅŞ̸̜̦̦̦̓́̐̈́͆̅̇̚H
OG F̷̡͍͔̺̙̊̋͋̕LE̵̪͐̌̕ͅŞ̸̜̦̦̦̓́̐̈́͆̅̇̚H
OG F̷̡͍͔̺̙̊̋͋̕LE̵̪͐̌̕ͅŞ̸̜̦̦̦̓́̐̈́͆̅̇̚H
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Rekkless 443d
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KingLaw 443d
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Sdara 441d
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Let me know what you think but in my honest opinion I feel like sneaky links are pretty stupid after a certain age like for example when I think of sneaky links I'm thinking of high school so high schoolers are going to sneak around and do this type of stuff but I feel like after a certain age it's like why are you still you using the word or phrase sneaky link like I never had a sneaky link I don't need or want one I just find them absolutely useless they don't add any substance to my life so why even engage with someone that way
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Is she walking
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I think you should have sneaky links until you're in your thirties. Like, you should live your life before you have to commit to someone and tie down to someone. Because then after that you can't have any more fun.
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I don't think you understood my point if you were in your 30s still doing sneaky links you need reevaluation you are a grown ass person in your 30s doing sneaky links that's pretty stupid if you ask me
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My whole point is if you are a certain age and you have no romantic ties to anyone, then having a sneak like saying you have a sneaky link is dumb just say you casually fuck someone.
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Well in your post you didn't specify the age because if you're 20 something in doing them I don't see a problem with that also not everyone is going to want to get married or like be in a serious relationship no matter the age
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Sneaky lane casually fucking someone's basically the exact same thing like what the fuck is your point? which is literally no difference besides that it's two different phrases for the exact same thing.
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Yes I did because I clearly stated high schoolers and if you need help to find that I suggest going to the transcribe
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Alexandria, I don't know if you're fucking stupid, but they're not the same thing because if people are friends with benefits, they're not intentionally hiding that they're fucking someone. is doing bad.
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But it seems like you're struggling with comprehension for whatever reason, so I'm gonna reiterate it for you. My point is if you're single and at a certain age and have no romantic ties to anyone, it's not a fucking sneaky link. duh
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In addition I never excluded that people are not always ready for like a serious relationship or marriage so I'm not sure why you brought up that are relevant topic it has nothing to do with what I'm saying please stay on task
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So what if people are 30 and want to intentionally hide that they're fucking someone they can do what the fuck they want? And I don't know if you're fucking stupid, but my name doesn't have an I in it. It's Alexandra So don't call me fucking stupid when you can't even read. dumb bitch
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Even if you're at a certain age and you're not in a romantic relationship with anyone that's still doesn't make any sense it's still a sneaky link you're not telling people about the person it's a sneaky link idiot
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So sneaky link to me is just like somebody that you hook up with like a friends benefits or just like your booty call so I don't think it is matter what age as long as you are comfortable with that and that's what you want like do it but if you don't want that then you know don't settle for that
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Yes, in a sense, it is a friend's of benefits. But friends of benefits, most people know, like, they don't try to hide the fact that they're fucking someone. Sneaky links. they are intentionally hiding that they're messing around with each other.
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It's Nikki Lynx, I guess the law.
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Down the sneaky link.
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Down to sneaky link is crazy.
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Overall it is crazy this is like I don't think one is just sneaky link really anymore because like the price of how to treat a woman in a standard is going down because of that shit because y'all are giving it up for free with no standard or morals
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Honestly I'm a have to say like if you pursue having a sneaky me later Omai God I got to have a sneaky when you are a weirdo but like if you just have one then like I don't I don't feel like that's a bad thing
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Like if you're in college and you have a job like you don't have time to be in a relationship for real for real so like if you find somebody you're sexually attracted to and like you know you just wanna get your rocks off type shit like you just fuck in them on the load a sneaky link technically like you're not
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I get your point but if I call a student who's working and doesn't have time for a romantic relationship are they having time to have sex because with sex you have to have some sort of connection or relationship which requires times investing
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I mean not really because think about it not every second of every day you're working or going to class you got that little bit of in between of like oh I can be sleep for this long or I can go out and let you know have fun with my friends type shit
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When you go out and you're not sure you can meet them shit in your class or something like that or you might meet them at work or something like that who knows either way you find him attractive but you don't have time for like really really get to know them so you just fuck them like it's not to be Dessirees
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Well me personally I want to fuck a guy I don't know and yeah you could say like oh it's not that serious but you still have to like learn about someone when you're having sex with a person
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Um, no, because if you're having sex with someone, that is a type of relationship. It's called a sexual relationship. So to some degree, there has to be like some sort of effort in that type of relationship.
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No one is going to fuck anyone if there isn't like no type of connection with that person, let alone a sexual relationship. like that would just be a waste of time because the sex is not going to be enjoyable if there's like no connection.
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Sneaky links are bad and very degenerate to be honest like you shouldn't be doing this quick hook up culture and shit like that just giving you energy and soul out to anybody they really try to get to know them like this shit weird as fuck
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Well I don't think sneaky links are bad and what not like some people they don't want relationships they want casual sex and I don't feel like you should be in a relationship if your sole purpose is to have sex you know
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Right now I have four different sneaky links and one situation ship so...
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If you don't mind me asking, like, for you personally, how do you, um, differentiate, like, a sneaky link and a situation-ship?
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What's the difference between a Situationship and a sneaky Link
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Sneaky links this high school shit
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See, this is like my point, like it's something younger, like relatively younger people do. Because I'm pretty sure if like someone who's like 34 wants to tell you like, oh yeah my sneaky like you're gonna look at them like bro you're 34 with a sneaky link like what is going on
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Yeah friends are benefits in sneaky link y'all are confusing them because you guys don't know how to separate them a friends with benefits you're actually friends with that person a lot of you just have casual sex and you do not know the person
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