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Jamie Raines


Jamie Raines

Chatting with 💩 @sherbetlemon007
14 talks
2.641 Follower
7 gefolgt
225 listeners
What’s Trending!? With Shaaba & Jamie
Kiera Bell, Lil Nas X, & Parliament expenses - let’s chat!
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
264 listeners
Story Time: Embarrassing Confessions
Let’s share our embarrassment stories with each other. An embarrassment shared is an embarrassment halved (or maybe doubled).
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
378 listeners
Super straights? The royal family? Let’s chat
A lot’s been happening this week, let’s talk about it
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
344 listeners
Wrong answers only
Where actually is Wally? Why do birds, suddenly appear? Give us your wrong answers only
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
561 listeners
What’s trending? with Shaaba & Jamie
We’re terribly uninformed. Tell us what’s trending and we’ll all have a chat about it!
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
374 listeners
Why did we move?? house tips & bts
We’re getting this question a lot! So here’s a house move q&a, let’s chat tips and advice 🥳
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
1348 listeners
Coping with lockdown 3.0
The UK is in its 3rd lockdown, how’s everyone coping?
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
1532 listeners
Does pineapple belong on pizza? 🍍 🍕
We respond and react to some of your controversial opinions, and share our take on them too.
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
1820 listeners
Assumptions about our relationship
Answering your assumptions about our relationship
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
1191 listeners
Trans & Dating: The Ugly
A lighthearted chat all about The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of LGBT+ dating. Join us for Episode 3: The Ugly
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
1640 listeners
Trans & Dating: The Bad
A lighthearted chat all about The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of LGBT+ dating. Join us for Episode 2: The Bad
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
665 listeners
Trans & Dating: The Good
We’re chatting about The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of LGBT+ dating. Join us for Episode 1: The Good!
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
523 listeners
2 Clouds, 1 Toothpick
We’re playing Bucket of Doom! Your mission: have fun - and make it as hard as possible!
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
85 listeners
Talk with sherbetlemon007
Jamie Raines & 1 weitere
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