X-Bomb Sports Live Show: Season 6 Episode 8Our studio got shut down due to snow storm so we're bringing the show onto Stereo! We talk with Cam, Drew,probably the rest of the crew today on Super Bowl predictions, the NBA season thus far, and any other questions you guys may have for us!
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X-Bomb Sports Live Show: Season 6 Episode 8Our studio got shut down due to snow storm so we're bringing the show onto Stereo! We talk with Cam, Drew,probably the rest of the crew today on Super Bowl predictions, the NBA season thus far, and any other questions you guys may have for us!
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Sports & StuffWe will talk the week in sports and anything else that might pop up.
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SPORTS & OTHER RAMDOM STUFFProbably gonna talk some sports stuff at some point but ask us whatever and we'll be down to answer any questions you guys have about anything!
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The B.A.D. BombCastWhat happens when a bunch of knuckleheads get together on an app & podcast? Find out here!
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Da B.A.D. BombCastChristmas games, movies, TV, and more! We do another episode on the holidays and more!
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Da Bomb Cast: Organized DysfunctionalityWe love sports for sure, but we also talk about whatever is on our minds mostly. Honestly, we'll be shocked to find out what we talk about ourselves
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Da Bomb Cast: Organized DysfunctionalityWe love sports for sure, but we also talk about whatever is on our minds mostly. Honestly, we'll be shocked to find out what we talk about ourselves
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