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Dominic Syracuse


Dominic Syracuse

Actor/Comedian/Activist/Musician - Creator of The Domunist Manifesto on YouTube - Comedy Writer for The Sometimes Show
11 talks
1.055 Follower
15 gefolgt
862 listeners
Girl Defined Wants You to Break Up With Me
Dom and I listen to clips with you from a Girl Defined episode instructing women to break up with their non-believer boyfriends.
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
335 listeners
Talk with jimmysnowtss
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108 listeners
Life AFTER Life Changing Improvement
Cinnamon and I discuss living as a life coach and what to do when YOU need guidance
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
432 listeners
Embarrassing First Dates
The title says it all, Dom and I talk about embarrassing first date stories.
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
142 listeners
Secret Spice
Secret how to's and inspiration for making dreams a reality. Today's topic: Confident, Cocky, Confident, Dead
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
73 listeners
Secret Spice
Motivation for entrepreneurs and making dreams a reality.
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160 listeners
Toilet Iguanas
Dom and I discuss the important things... like lizards in the potty.
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
166 listeners
Writer’s Room Comedy Show
Dom and I brainstorm funny ideas for The Sometimes Show
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375 listeners
Snowmageddon Is Coming!
Dom and I are prepping for a horrible snow storm to roll through. So let’s distract from our anxiety and talk some trash.
Dominic Syracuse & 1 weitere
74 listeners
Socks and Underwear
Dom and Jimmy tackle the real world problems... like which underwear feels best on your hiney??
Dominic Syracuse
74 listeners
Socks and Underwear
Dom and Jimmy tackle the real world problems... like which underwear feels best on your hiney??
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