📽Have You Seen That One? - Foreign Films!Let's talk foreign films and why you NEED to check them out! Have any favorites? Join us and let us know! Also, we gotta discuss the new Matrix trailer!!!
Diego Filardi & 1 weitere
📽Have You Seen That One? Ep 6 - Horror IISpooky movies!!! Let's talk about them! And don't worry if you don't like horror, we'll convince you to give them a shot! Get ready, ghoulies! It's showtime! 👻👻👻
Diego Filardi & 1 weitere
📽Have You Seen That One? Ep 5 - Horror!Whether you watch horror movies or not, I bet we can convince you to give these a chance! They're so good you won't dread the scare... you'll embrace it! 👻
Diego Filardi & 1 weitere
📽Have You Seen That One? - Ep 1 UnderratedWhat's your favorite underrated movie? I bet we can convince you to give some of ours a shot! Jump in the conversation and share your thoughts!
Diego Filardi & 1 weitere
📽Have You Seen That One? - Ep 0Let's talk the movies that shaped us! From blockbusters to smaller flicks! Join us and tell us which movie impacted you and how!
Diego Filardi & 1 weitere