The Power of Healing Oneself Part 2It will look at exploring the topic of healing oneself through positive words of affirmation, self-reflection and self-care.
Martine Mayas & 1 weitere
The Power of Healing Oneself The topic will explore the importance of taking time to focus on oneself’s healing through self-care, self-reflection and positive self-talk as well as surrounding oneself with people who are healthy as well and not toxic. The impact it can then have on ones life when we do all this.
Martine Mayas & 1 weitere
Power of ManifestationYour mind is powerful. When you align, connect, and be mindful, the power of your manifestations brings forth a reality that is already yours.
Martine Mayas & 1 weitere
💛The Golden rule💛Lets treat others as we would like to be treated!
Martine Mayas & 1 weitere
LOVE THYSELFLearn how to love and accept yourself, your children, plus more.
Martine Mayas & 1 weitere