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5 talks
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6 listeners
Iran and being Iranian Now.
Husband and wife team talk about being from an enemy country and it’s all just a big joke. They aren’t really that mad at each other! Right?
Arezou & 1 weitere
14 listeners
Poetry During a Pandemic
Poetry reading and commentary. Mental health and healing will be discussed as well as using the arts as therapy.
Arezou & 1 weitere
0 listeners
Talk with freelander
Arezou & 1 weitere
0 listeners
Introducing “David” and “Arezou”
Intelligence, news, Russia, Iran, politics, Persian language, current events, married couple talks, immigration and whatever else we are so bored we decide to talk about! Meet an Intelligence Officer and his Iranian wife #bornin2020
Arezou & 1 weitere
0 listeners
Talk with freelander
Arezou & 1 weitere
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