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April 23rd is St. George’s day here in England. Do saints really care about nationality? Is religion universal, or does it change depending on where you’re from? Is St. George even English?! Let’s talk about it! 🏴🕉🐉
We’re discussing timeless yoga scriptures every Friday on The Peace Formula Podcast... this week we’re discussing the Yoga of Hospitality & asking if there is a need for spiritual culture. Feel free to join us with questions and comments! ✌️📚
We’re discussing timeless yoga scriptures every Friday on The Peace Formula Podcast... this week we’re discussing the Yoga of Hospitality & asking if there is a need for spiritual culture. Feel free to join us with questions and comments! ✌️📚
An Alabama lawmaker is campaigning to overturn a law which bans yoga in public schools. 🧘🏽♀️🧘🏻♂️🕉 Is yoga really a threat to religion, and can it corrupt young people? Let us know what you think!