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21 разговора
3 подписчиков
Подписки 2
1 listener
Football Was Coming Home⚽, But it Went to Rome🍝
We will be discussing the Euros finals match last night
Welchy и ещё 1
7 listeners
Fat Guy🤰 VS Skinny Guy🚶 : The Debate of Weight
Fat guy and skinny guy discuss diets with each other and see how they differ due to the different ways our body works
Welchy и ещё 1
0 listeners
Welchy и ещё 1
0 listeners
Fat Guy🤰 VS Skinny Guy🚶 - The Trials of Weight
Fat guy and skinny guy talk about their diets and how they defer from one another's
Welchy и ещё 1
3 listeners
Healthy Eating and the Evolution of Diet
How Dieting has shaped our lives over the past century and how this trend can affect our lives both for good and for bad
Welchy и ещё 1
0 listeners
Healthy Eating and the Evolution of Diet
Welchy and Razzle matter on about how diet has affected life over the past few decades and how life as we know it could still be about to change for the better
2 listeners
We can almost cure autism ♿, but should we?
We will be discussing autism, how it affects people's lives, and what the future holds for people with autism.
Welchy и ещё 1
9 listeners
Are Humans No Better than Animals
Welcome back! Razzle and Welchy are back with a debate on who's more useful to the Environment, Humans or Animals??
Welchy и ещё 1
2 listeners
The Zionist Regime of Israel
We will be discussing and raising awareness about the war crimes being carried out by the Zionist Regime of Israel.
Welchy и ещё 1
10 listeners
The Zionist Regime of Israel
We will be raising awareness and discussing the crimes being carried out by Israel over the past few weeks
Welchy и ещё 1
1 listener
Bill's Diabolical Divorce - East and West
Let's talk about that Divorce
Welchy и ещё 1
1 listener
Food for thought🌭🌮🌯🍔- East and West
2 friends discussing the beauty of food
Welchy и ещё 1
9 listeners
Wait 4 years to take them to court !?-East and
Discussion ok how the court judicial system works and it's flaws
Welchy и ещё 1
5 listeners
Talk with ranr
Welchy и ещё 1
0 listeners
East and West: Ramadan AMA
Two mates chilling and enjoying a chilled put conversation about topics from around the world both political and philosophical
Welchy и ещё 1
1 listener
Talk with ranr
Welchy и ещё 1
4 listeners
East and West: Black Lives... Does it Matter?
Two mates discussing global political and philosophical issues, with the added bit of bants to keep it lively. Come and have a listen!
Welchy и ещё 1
7 listeners
East and West: The Modern Holocaust
Two mates discussing Global issues, with a cheeky bit of banter to keep it lively. Come and have a listen!
Welchy и ещё 1
6 listeners
East and West
Two best friends from different cultures discuss common and controversial social topics and explain their perspective of these issues
Welchy и ещё 1
0 listeners
Talk with ranr
Welchy и ещё 1
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