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Aylafr 239d
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Lsabella 238d
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Miley 191d
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Nevaeh 190d
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Nevaeh 190d
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Nevaeh 190d
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Serenity Frazier
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Serenity Frazier
Serenity Frazier
Serenity Frazier
Luis Manuel Vasquez
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Jazmin 189d
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A lot that I tell my parents is that I feel safe in my house.
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So, when I was like, I think I was 13 or something, I kind of did drugs and when I came home, my parents looked at me like I just came out of fucking, like a haunted movie. So right now I'm a bit shaky because I am really like a bit hype, but anyways, that's basically what's happened.
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Uh, I, like, kept this live for, uh, I don't know, basically two years, uh, so let's back, uh, let's rewind to the fourth grade. I was friends with this girl, we're gonna call her Rose, and she was very rude to me for no reason, would hit me for no reason, and would just be rude to me for no reason. But when other people came, she was really nice and she would change up and stuff, so now let's go to fifth grade.
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So now let's go to the fifth grade. She was calling me names, flicking me off, saying that I was stupid, basing that I'm nothing without her. When I was completely fine without her, I made like new friends and they made my life a lot better, but basically I was fed up with it. I was in a snitch, but I was just tired and I just wanted to get it over with because the next day we're gonna graduate. So I went to go tell my teacher and the teacher told me to go to the counselor and go tell her everything that was
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And so I went to the counselor's office and basically I just told her everything that was going on and I almost burst out crying because like she was my best friend and then she was acting weird and being fake. But now let's go to graduation. My sister comes with my mom, my uncle, my auntie, and my grandma. And my sister's taking pictures of me. Then she encourages me to go take one with Rose. And I'm like, no, and ignoring her and trying to move on. But she keeps.
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Finally, I told her just no, I don't want to take one with her, but then when we got in the car, my sister went to go tell my mom. And then yeah, so basically I told her that I'm not friends with her anymore because she was like being really rude and stuff and that she was also being rude to one of my other friends for no reason when they hardly even knew each other. And yeah, I guess that's how the secret came out and she knew I wasn't her friend anymore.
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I ran over a baby and yeah, I told my parents that I hit like a curb and that's why there was a dent on the truck.
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Oh One thing that I always always always do is I lie about where I'm going and when I'm coming back Because if I ask them, you know, I'm going here. They're obviously gonna say no So I don't tell them where I'm going. Actually. I tell them where I'm going. I just make it, you know, nice nice I'm going here. I'll be back in like an hour. No, I'll be back in six hours But yeah, that's one lie. I always always tell my parents just to like Not argue with them in the long run, you know
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