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Jesiah Olson 378d
Jesiah Olson
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Monkey 374d
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Drive it. Drive through it.
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I'm not going to call you stupid. I'm going to call you slow. Mostly just because you really can't really go anywhere on a flat tire. Because all you're going to do is fuck the wheel up even more. You have to either move those boards or hit reverse and dip. You can't drive today and have fucked your tires up and make it to where you can't get to where you want to go.
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Okay Okay, realistically if you someone who breaks you're gonna lose control because of the curve ahead So there's you can't really some on your brakes I feel like and then if you try to swerve you're gonna lose control again because there's a curve ahead So I feel like no matter what you do You lose your bound to lose control because if you don't have control over your vehicle, then you know I mean if it wasn't a curve ahead maybe but like since there is a curve ahead, you know, you're fucked You're just fucked. So I mean I would just go over and just take it like champ, you know Like you know Take a look at Jim, but because I can't
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