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Mr Incubus 561d
Mr Incubus
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Anastasya Kelley
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Kris 557d
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Stephanie Tejada
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Evileyes 524d
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How would you do in a zombie apocalypse let's just say right now and we'll just all becomes infected or do you do you like me personally the first thing I would use Garden City
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the fuck you mean *****? I'm hitting up the dealer's house bro I'm spilling some yay-o I'm hitting rails of cocaine I'mma hit up the museum I'm taking some suits of medieval armor of armor for the swords and I'm chopping shit up.
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I feel like I would do OK it's just my eyes like I have a really bad prescription and eventually overtime like my eyes will need like a stronger prescription or something and yeah I can't see without them so I die after a couple years
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I would just want to live and then try to build up my life to the way that I would want it to be after the apocalypse because if I don't have the life I want after the apocalypse, I'm totally fucked. I'm just, might as well just kill me.
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I'm just gonna hide, try to, you know, gather some supplies and just be ready to stab them in the head because I think that's how you kill a zombie. You have to stab them in the head.
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Gather my best friends and just chill like if it's The Walking Dead like there's no reason to die like after watching The Walking Dead compared to the last of us in wars he like how do people die in The Walking Dead like honestly let's be honest
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