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Zack 561d
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KingDee 561d
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KingDee 561d
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Real Spill And Perspectives
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GG to You 561d
GG to You
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GG to You
GG to You
CheckYaself 560d
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Chan Be Busy 560d
Chan Be Busy
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Miracle 558d
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Koda 558d
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Shortstroke 556d
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Grand early evening. It is your girl Queen Donna Teller Say it with me clean out of sand lines because I said stop You guys do you feel like people without children should be able to judge? The parenting styles and techniques of people with children. I Just want to know how you guys feel about that. I want everybody to chime in, you know those who have children those who don't have children let me know tap in with your girl right there right there right there you see it you see that you see He'da got damn microphone. edit.
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In the memory serves me correct I don't get paid to raise your kids So you don't listen No
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It's so much they can go you know answer this is like so much stuff that parents do wrong and a lot of them actually go to people for advice who don't have children
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Some people who raise other peoples children they don't necessarily biologically belong to them treat children good I don't have biological children and I have taken care of children that don't belong to me and I'm awesome at it
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Nope, I don't think that child-free people should be able to. Wait till you have your mother fucking on. Shouldn't be speaking on something you don't have experience in. But you know, people got bad opinions and some people think God kids count.
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Granrise and Beautiful sister in nice soundbite as always. I'm gonna answer the question. It's like this, if you don't have no fucking kids, you shouldn't have no say so on how the next motherfucker is raising their kids. You won't say so. have your own goddamn kid.
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You know what? It's mainly the ones who don't have kids who always put in their two cents and people with kids business. Um, you shouldn't do this or I wouldn't do. Bitch, nobody give a fuck what you would did. Okay, you don't have kids.
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You know what? If some of the fuckers out here who got kids, that's why God gave them to them, I don't know. Cause they, they not a good fit to be parented. Okay? Some of them motherfuckers should have been childless free as well.
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Man, hell no. A person with had kids could never tell me how to raise my. Now you can give me anecdotal evidence of what happened to you and how that, how you turned out. But no, you can never tell me how to raise my kids unless you had learned and lived experience.
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No, they should not. Mm-mm. Take it like a green assault.
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I don't think that anyone should, if you don't have any kids, I think that you should keep your comments to yourself. yourself. If you do stop parenting that's up to you but keep your comments to yourself.
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Yes I don't give a fuck if I didn't carry a baby for nine months if I have an opinion I'm going to voice it and some people don't need a man don't even really know how to handle their fucking child some people really need to be parenting and how to be a parent
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I guess it depends on what they are judging. If they're like saying like, don't be your child, don't scream out your child all the time, don't curse your child, basically don't abuse your child then yeah they should definitely have a say so.
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No, I do not think they should. They don't have kids, all they know is what they see and hear. They go home, they don't have kids, they don't have, they don't have to experience it. Then you got no clue what it's like to raise one.
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