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Ethan Zatets 564d
Ethan Zatets
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David 564d
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Haley 564d
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Rieen 563d
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Jay Kelz 563d
Jay Kelz
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Jay Kelz
Jay Kelz
Breze Kimble-Moore
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The Gentleman Contrarian
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Jassy 562d
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So I saw some thing on TickTock the kind of pride me to ask this but is it just me or is it just feels like everyone else is tired of dating and we feel like it's a chore like no one is excited to go out on a date anymore no one everyone dreads online dating apps And it just feels like everyone is just doing their own thing like nobodies there's no there's no Situationships there's no side Knigge is there's no side pieces there's no sneaky links there's nothing it's just a bunch of people me included we're just out here single as fuck phone dry as fuck And honestly reduce we're getting used to it does you want to feel that way let me know
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Maria so I think I like people today or incontinence days anymore and I don't know why but like all the girls don't wanna date me and I'm so creepy to Alex very hard
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Okay, if there's people not interested in dating, I think you're just the wrong area because literally everybody's trying to date around me.
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Personally I just like being single I like the freedom I like my space I'm comfortable just being me and not being held down you know
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Well, I have a girlfriend so I can't really relate to this. I've been dating her for like three years now. So I cannot relate to this at all, but I do kind of feel the same way.
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You know what I think because everyone just self diagnosis themselves essential voted and then everyone has trust issues and then everyone compares a relationship or lack there of to somebody else or social media this social media shows you nothing but ideals and people have
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And then people have superficial expectations for people that they don't even have their DM's or they damn the wrong person in the wrong kind of people they may desired them for that person that they like doesn't deserve them back so nothings mutual
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Wish after so long will cause people to have so low self-esteem themselves which causes them to be more inclusive which caused them to be more introverted and staying in the house so it's just a cycle and they will take social media for that it's a big part of
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I feel like the dating world is so watered down Because I feel like people's intentions you just don't know anymore these days and then like social media is a big part of it I think too, so yeah.
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There's a trend in our society moving away from real relationships to artificial intelligence, friends. That's definitely a trend. actually apps that create AI friends, AI relationships, AI girls.
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I would say it's like half and half. A lot of people just love honing around and a lot of people don't want to get into a relationship because they can't trust these people. So, I don't know.
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