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Mark Norman 400d
Mark Norman
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Tyl Mac 400d
Tyl Mac
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Jace Fowler 400d
Jace Fowler
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Hadley Edouard
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Ivan Jauregui 400d
Ivan Jauregui
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Tree 399d
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Elijah 399d
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Anime God 399d
Anime God
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Nate Paul 399d
Nate Paul
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Dalton 399d
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Could never be me for real.
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The lawsuit was going to be absolutely crazy.
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If teacher really did that to me, I would smack her with a honey bun while I was talking shit about his grandmother. Like, what the fuck she really think you're doing? Been that ***** really thought she can take my phone and throw it. Who the fuck does she really think she is? I would take a water bottle cap and throw it at her grandmother while she was doing the gritty. What the fuck going on? Tell me why ***** did 12 backflips, bubbledy naked with a Roku stick up her ass. It's crazy. What the fuck is going on? Tell me why ***** had an attack on Titan poster in his grandmother's left nipple. ***** starting to rumbling, but just by steppin'.
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If that was me, I would have beaten that fucking woman senseless. She took my motherfucking phone, threw it at the fucking desk board, and broke that bitch. I would have broken her face, her sternum, her spine, her leg, her arm. I don't care. You just threw my phone. You better believe you're paying for the damages and you're gonna be paying for your hospital bills as well. I'm not paying for shit after you broke my fucking phone.
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My guy, if that teacher threw my phone, I would be first, I would be like, may I use the bathroom? And then I would go to the principal's office and tell him what just happened because that's private property and no one can actually touch your phone without your permission. So actually, what she says done is actually illegal. So yeah.
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