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James Drou 422d
James Drou
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Tanya 421d
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Helitutor 408d
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So, I was just chilling, minding my own business, on stereo, and from the corner of my eye I saw something on the floor. Bruh, tell me how it was a huge ass creepy crawly looking spider. It was crawling towards me. I started freaking out because I didn't have my toilet paper around me, so, or a shoe. And it's not like I would actually, I would actually like, grab the spider with the paper because I'm too afraid that, you know they jump, they fucking jump, yeah, no, that's not happening. So, I called my mom, I'm like, mom, can you come down here, it's a huge ass spider. And by the time it was crawling towards me, I was freaking out even more, so, I decided to put my water with ice on top of it, and trap the spider in the bottom of the drink. I know, I'm so evil. I just couldn't do it, I'm too afraid, honestly. But thank God she came, and she saved me. She ended up throwing out my water as well, because I ain't touching it, ugh.
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No doubt spiders can be dangerous. Years ago a friend of mine got bit by a spider. They injected something under her skin to liquefy her flesh so that they could eat. And she got into a whole three to five year wound care because of that spider ****. It really is a flesh eating bacteria, I think. So yeah, spiders ain't no joke.
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