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Daniel Pereira
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Ghostz 428d
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Ghostz 428d
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Lando 427d
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Mohib 426d
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Spencer 425d
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Phillip 423d
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Yourmom 417d
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Angelgirl 270d
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Can I get him a cheeseburger?
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Bro, not in the hooters.
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I don't get um jumping in or fighting in general because like I'm just gonna use me as an example I don't fight. I've never like been fought like I try my best to like not be like associated with that But I'm just saying like say I was to go like swing at somebody and then they swung back and I was like losing my friends Jump in like don't jump in like I set myself up for failure. Oh Okay, but if it was somebody else swinging at me Um, and then my friends jumping in I still don't get that like don't jump in like you can just
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And he's continuing on what I just said you can like jump in like my friends can jump like not jumping But like they can like come in and separate us you know or something because if they start fighting her or him or whatever and Then other people jump in and then other people jump in and it's just like a huge thing Like why make it a huge thing? because people can't control themselves like You you're really that low and likely you have to start fighting somebody like I get it They talk shit on your mom or something like that like okay talk to them
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Continuing on that cuz I don't feel like redoing it, but I keep like accidentally like stopping it But like okay, like I get them to talk shit on your mom like you know But like just like talk shit and shit like that like fighting is a good issue anywhere, bruh Because I guarantee you they're just gonna go and talk shit to somebody else or whatever that's not gonna stop shit But like if they were to hit your mom or something like that Then I would totally get that like if someone was hitting my mom I would definitely fight them like I'm sorry That's my mom like you're fighting her so I get to return the favor
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Also continuing, say I'm like any part of my family, like if you're like fighting them, obviously I'm gonna like jump in like, yeah, because I'm not gonna take that into respect, like I'm not even gonna separate it, like I'll try to and then I'll go for you because like why is you touching my like family, like what? Especially to get back at somebody, like say you hate me and then you go for my family, like that is just like stupid, like that is just fucking retarded. But yeah, I don't know, I was just thinking that. If you think family for now, obviously I'll try to separate y'all first, but if I can then I'll just go for you because like what the fuck.
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