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Easton 425d
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Sir Charlo
Sir Charlo
Iriscolordo 423d
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Sir Charlo
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Okay, so in addition on to accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and walking in his will, the second thing for part two that I'd like to talk about is getting a workout schedule and going to the gym or bring your gym home. Everything you see here, granted I'm not the largest yet of my full potential, but everything you see here is muscle and mass and lean that I've worked for. And when you work out, when you go to the gym, you don't do it for someone else. You do it for God first, obviously, 100% and then yourself and not in a selfish aspect like, oh yeah, I'm the best, I'm the greatest, you know, like it's a feeling that you get that you've went from unhealthy to healthy, that you're pushing through challenges and through hardships to actually be able to be the greatest that you can be physically to represent and mirror your spiritual value. So hitting the gym, I feel like, or bringing the gym home, I feel like is a very important aspect of my current schedule. I have certain body segments throughout the week. I do, let's see, let me check my schedule right quick. Yeah, that's right. On Mondays I do core work. So basically my abs and size of my abs, whatever. I do work there. Then on Tuesdays, I, that's my leg day, Wednesday, uh, let's see. Yeah, Wednesday is my arm, chest and back day. Thursday is cardio, Friday and Saturday are pretty much my days off.
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Yo, how do I bring my gym home what
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I got 25s for free because one of my dad's customers at work gave it to him so like you know find you some good 25s you know for a decent price I'd recommend something with probably like some type of foam or soft handles so it encourages you to pick it up more.
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And over time, as you need it, you know, get bigger and bigger weights, and you're going to need a workout bench for alternate moves and stuff like that. So, you know, save up enough money, get a workout bench, and you're going.
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