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Diondre 433d
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Helitutor 414d
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I know germs are everywhere there on surfaces everything we touch you know could carry germs so we have to wash your hands keep them clean how often do you wash your hands let me know in the comment I try to wash my hands several times a day and when I'm going to banks and I have to sign things with pens when I touch my card and put into the ATM when I open the door I always put on hand sanitizer and then I go home and wash my hands so if your hands to get dry make sure to keep them moisturized dreamy
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I wash before preparing food, before eating, after using the restroom, and if I get grungy and working on the car or something, or working in the kitchen, I wash many times, because your hands are just, they touch everything, and they're dirty. I also wipe down the light switches, door handles, and stuff like that.
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