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Leyaa 575d
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Adri 575d
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SmthwithE 575d
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Kay 575d
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JaNiyah 575d
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Jammal Davis 575d
Jammal Davis
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Craccman Jones
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Tickles 575d
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Yosemi 575d
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Mariah Reid 575d
Mariah Reid
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Hello everybody good morning evening afternoon I don't I don't know but this is a really serious serious matter I have a question for all the mamas me my pappas peepaws um my son Billy he's getting frustrated with me I told him to turn the turn the game console off do his homework and he told me he yelled at me in my face saying shut up and go to your room and you need some I know I'm sorry that I cursed on here, but he said that I don't know where he gets it from I don't know if it's school. He's in private school. Should I just home school him? I don't know what to do, but I believe in gentle parenting, but I need I need it's been an ongoing thing He always says this to me always says this kind of stuff He never comes down for dinner anymore and all he cares about is that darn game and I don't know what to do anymore I just I just can't take it. I can't take it It's gonna kill me, but I love Billy with all my heart and it's sad seeing him like this I hope that he's not on drugs like his uncle His uncle drew was on drugs and I just don't want him to end up like him I'm sorry y'all, but it's just really hard. It's really hard, you know Just give me some tips and tricks, please. All the mamas, memos, babes, bee balls whatever. Mama's dad is I don't I don't know just I need some help. Ace out. Okay Bye now. Thank you.
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Your son to bitch you a bitch your daddy a bitch your grandma bitch your mama bitch everybody else family a big matter of fact to yourself.
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Who won will I think you should be celebrating should be your son and I think you should punch him maybe he'll learn how to respect you who is the leader of the house
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Needs more Jesus. Take him to church. Take him to mass. Yeah, now let me watch my NASCAR.
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If you don't get your motherfucking ass in there, be his ass when I'm on a fucking spatula. I mean you have multiple things to choose from. spatula have a side of a knife, vacuum cords, a switch, a shoe, and...
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Anything within arms reach is fine. I mean, look at me. That's a no fine didn't I? I'm perfectly fine.
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fuck gentle parenting what that ***** ass now
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Good morning how I like to some parents so I do you have a want to slap your child across the neck like like this
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You beat the ever living shit out of that kid until he fears you you put spikes on that bell you put studs on that belt and you whip the living shit out of him until he has no other choice but the fear you
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Beat Billy, beat him. You probably don't know how to because yeah just try.
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I would honestly finger his dog's asshole. It worked for my son and if he is He's bad again and disrespectful, threatening him to finger his ass holds heel.
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Me, my, my, my, whatever the fuck your name is Delilah. I don't care bitch whoop his ass, kidnap his ass, make one of your friends whoop his ass. Be his motherfucking ass and tell Billy to shut the fuck up.
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