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How to politely get off a phone call with someone that keeps complaining about others and his down straight annoying, what would you say to them to end that call?
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The best way to end a phone call with somebody that's annoying and just won't shut up like that, turn your phone on airplane mode and it'll tell them no signal or signal disconnected. it'll basically say that you lost your signal.
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Be honest I think that the best option here is to say hey listen I understand it this may feel fortunate to you but this conversation feels demeaning unproductive and draining I'm talk to you later
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Yeah just be like oh sorry I forgot to do something goes on there if you want and then just don't pick up the phone when I call you again and then that's that's what I thought that's what I did
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I just say I'm sleepy I'm boy I'm tired and you get on my nerves I get that got hit you back later when you were in a better mood good night
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