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Xavier 441d
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Xavier 441d
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Mysaria Glass 441d
Mysaria Glass
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Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
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So, what is a theory I stumbled upon while looking at, you know, things that could possibly go down the rabbit hole with? And this is one of them. It seems to be a good majority of people that believe we don't have aliens just in outer space, but they are in the ocean as well. And there's so many videos out there on this topic, and it makes me wonder, what do you guys think? Are aliens real? Do they exist? Do you believe that they are on other planets in our solar system or in the universe? And do you believe they are in the ocean as well? Let me know what you think.
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I just think it's literally impossible to be where we are today without recovering some type of alien technology or have a knowledge given upon these certain people the certain people and if you look up someone named Werner von Braun or something he worked for NASA or whatever it is what started the space race and everything there's been theories about were Enos you know the reason he's so smart is because he was working with aliens or whatever I don't know it sounds crazy but
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So I think that applies to every person any million billionaire or millionaire whatsoever is they have had certain knowledge given to them to be able to succeed and create what they've created and it's just dumb you just don't see any ordinary people out here doing this you know and I just don't think you can pull any of that out of your ass without help you know and so yeah There's my little spill
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Thank you so much for all of that, like truly, I'm like, thank you, because you really just reaffirmed so many beliefs. I've had so many just, I guess, hypotheses between my husband and I, between my friends and I, the people that actually, like I said, they underestimate people a lot. They think that we're not gonna come up with things on our own, think that we're not gonna guess what's going on just by making educated guess by observing.
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um, you know, it's the more and it's funny because the more technology goes on like and that's probably why they want to be on tik-tok because That's really what I've been looking at a lot of times is When I go on my little deep dives and things like that Finding people I know are putting out actual like content They're making this shit and doing the research or whatever finding the legitimate videos out there And making good like, you know Theories and stuff that you know are believable are most likely probable impossible
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I think that, um, you know, they're over here thinking if we don't say anything, they'll forget it. No, like the lady who saw something, I would love to know. I would love to know what your opinion is about that lady on the plane that said, um, that, that motherfucker isn't real. And they were like, oh, it was a shapeshifter. She saw an alien shapeshifter. And, um, and a guy, a guy on the, on the plane, um, it was a British guy on the plane back from Ibiza said the same thing. Somebody you sit next to was not real. Um.
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A lot of people, um, you know, want to sell drugs, alcohol, but no, they both were, because she was completely, she was completely, so we're acting and they thought she disappeared. Like, you know, no one from that flight is speaking up and I find that very, she's, you know, it's a little weird and Twitter and TikTok, they do their jobs and they find the people. How come she hasn't been found yet? You know, everyone's like, oh, she's went missing. No one's even saying, oh, she's in custody. She's cool. She's in jail, whatever, you know, we're not even getting that.
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Very weird very sketch and I don't like it So, of course, we're not gonna forget that shit. Yeah get stuck under the rug the whole Chinese balloon thing We said we were saying shit then it did not sound right what they were telling us There have been times that I have recorded at bird activity. I mean I could go on dude. I really can't There are so many things that we've noticed that are off right and we question it and I'm pretty sure we get very close to this right, so
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You're right, you're 100% right, there's just no fucking way in hell that a human, a normal-ass human being, no matter how smart you are, you're not going to come up with all this technology on your own, dude. Where are you getting it from, you know? And I feel like, at some point, they are going to tell us that, oh, they've been here, we've been in contact with them, that's cool. But they're inviting their time and they're waiting until we're desperate, because apparently they're like, oh, you know, mankind isn't ready for you guys yet, let's wait. And they're like, guys...
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They're probably like guys we're trying to help you time is running out. You guys are you know, messing this planet up. They're tearing it apart We're trying to help you fix it And all you want to keep saying is mankind isn't ready at any time is ready So then when when are we gonna be ready to hear the truth because I think is now I think that if they came up Right now and said yeah, they're here like, you know, Louisiana had a weird meteor thing come out of the sky Las Vegas weird meteor thing came out of the sky and the one family said they saw 10 foot tall people walking around
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People that are 10 feet tall walking around in their fucking backyard and they were saying, you know, they look like aliens to us They have big eyes and they're explaining what they look like. And um, you know, I honestly feel like they were not lying They really got a lawyer dude, like they are not playing around. They're not lying. It's time We're ready. It's time. Like come on. Let's talk Yeah, I would love to know is it true? Like if it is true, how come NASA stopped Exploring under the sea what made them
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What were they bombing down there? What made them get freaked out to where they were like, oh shit, it's time for us To go look to the skies and fuck off this planet. Damn, that's scary. You know what I mean? Like what the fuck was it? But yeah, I'm done. I'm like literally like just going on and on because I could go on forever on topics like this Yeah, thank you so much for your comments. Like really I really appreciate the people that you can come through and comment
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