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Sim 562d
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Jazzyyy 562d
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Jayden Howard 562d
Jayden Howard
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Brenda Sanchez
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Bee 562d
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James Cartmell
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Alice Swash 562d
Alice Swash
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Elliana 562d
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Anthony B 562d
Anthony B
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Well, I mean, I tried to do it five times respectfully in person and he wouldn't accept it. So, I made my friend send him a paragraph about how he's a narcissistic motherfucker. and that and the thing. So yeah.
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I break up with him and then I've blocked him and then I will make a fake account just to throw them through fine and then I block them again
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I'll probably say it to them first, but not because I want to. I only break up with the people when, like, you know, you can tell that they're losing interest. That's probably when I would start to ask them if they wanted to break up.
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I would tell him face to face because that's the respectful thing to do and the mature thing to do is face to face Because if he was to break up with me, I would want him to tell me face to face.
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I would depends if we are living in the same state I would want to meet up with them maybe over the last dinner if we were long-distance I will call them and let them know FaceTime them call them
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I think it depends on like how long you've been together like if it was like I just I just think a dependent investor like you both are I never like to have those conversations over text I think that's awful I think it should be something done in person
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I feel like they're gonna break up with someone it's Gotta be a physical thing that you can't do it over text or call just meet up with them maybe in like a public place or doesn't get to hear them though
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No I'm saying I just met that bitch up and be like get the fuck out of my house stupid bitch no I'm just Texter be like get the fuck out my house bitch and I'm in the Bando right now talking to other hoes in the fuck up my house where did the saying domestic in the messenger
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So it basically depends on how like why I'm breaking up with them like they're cheating on me I'll be like fuck you bitch but if it was like something like reasonable I'd be like sorry I kind of found someone else you know Your eyebrows bitch fuck you bitch
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I killed them. They only belong with me.
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