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Orion 451d
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Cliff 450d
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Naomi Fè 450d
Naomi Fè
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Gabby 450d
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Nat 450d
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Karolina 450d
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The drama I have is kind of silly just heads up It's just me trying to know what to write like this fanfiction. I'm trying to make for Earthbound the game a spin-off series or I can't really call it spin-off between Piggie and his brother and Tracy and just I just thought the side characters were interesting So yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what in the world I gotta do. How do I start it? That's my drama.
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Dude, there is this motherfucker. I swear to god, she like, we were walking past a group of guys and she went, I hope nobody flirts with me. She's that motherfucker. I hate her with all my guts, dude. She like, tried to catfitch me online with another count pretending to be this guy named Kate. Um, it was horrendous. And then she tells me that she doesn't think I should date my boyfriend. much more. Oh my god.
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So I was talking to this guy for two years and we were exclusive we weren't dating but we were exclusive but then he asked me out to homecoming so then I went out to homecoming with him and then he kissed another girl right on the dance floor. And so they started dating and They both cheated on each other and now I'm with this new guy and then he told me he wanted me back But then he told me he was just using me and I was like, I don't give a fuck. I'm with this new guy. The end.
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Since everyone told me the drama I'm gonna tell you mine so basically I have two best friends at school they basically had a sleepover and they talk a lot about shit about me and one of the girls told me everything and then I was like so upset because I was mad at the one girl not the girl they told me to make a part two
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Like the party so I was not mad at the girl that told me I'm gonna call her May I'm not gonna's real name so I was not mad at me but I was mad at the other girl which we're gonna call Annie Colima Annie so may told me everything and then I wanted to go to like the school counselor and talk about it with all of us three
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So I wanted to confront him Annie but they told me not because May would be in like bad situation with her deserve to really close not as close as me and Mather basically I confront her over a note in school in Spanish class this girl says bitch shut the fuck up in school in this is like a really private school so like that doesn't really happen there
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And yeah she said that her ass just cause more drama I want to be all talk about it with the counselor she started crying and everyone for like May feel bad for her everyone was taking her side and I was like what did I do my god what a good thing was she got lunch detention which is not a bad I've only gotten seven lunch detentions this year or last year I told my friends and they were also comforting I love them so much
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OK I thought I just let it go right because I don't want to deal with anymore this I just say it's fine I forgive you baba later on him and he tells me a whole different story and says how may also talk bad shit about me but I don't wanna bring it up again cause I was over it and then I say one tiny thing to Annie she tells me and then Maye hates me they both hate me like what the hell I said one thing to do a bunch of stuff and I don't get mad
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so I'm dating a boy yeah and I'm not supposed to date and there is a lot more of drama but if you want to know at my snapchat is MDELGATO9496 because I ain't saying a lot here
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Alright, I'll tell you my drama. So I got some beef with a couple things, but I'm gonna say it. First off, I got beef with Starbucks right now. Because I've been wanting an iced matcha latte, which is my favorite drink, but they haven't got matcha for hella long, bro. Like, we go into every damn Starbucks in my town, and they don't have shit. They don't got matcha or nothing. So I'm having a little beef with Starbucks right now. A little mad at them, but it's fine, because my second favorite drink is a vanilla bean frappe, so I usually just get that, but yeah.
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Okay, and the second is, I don't got beef, it's just like kinda interesting, but my neighbor across the street, they got evicted, and, cause they moved, and they're like hella whores, like, their house is fucking disgusting, like, they got shit everywhere, it's fucking horrible, and they're like hella animal abusers too, bro, but they moved, and they left all their shit in their house, and then they got sued by the county, then they got evicted, then they got their laws changed, and we've seen them going over to their house and like grabbing shit, so, it's kinda entertaining, honestly, but, that's it.
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I like one of my guy friends, and I recently told one of my friends that's a girl, and she was like oh my god I like him too, and then she said I can't go for him because she likes him, but then he ended up telling me he likes me, and so now she's mad at me.
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