Well hey there my little Tamagotchi's I'm here today so you guys can write me all my life I've been getting stuff saying that I'm ugly and I know I'm not ugly because my mom told me that I'm not so please greet me honestly Anyways bye
Hey bro, hey bro. Did you post that audio message bro? It was somebody mocking you. I'm confused. Please don't tell me that was you bro. Make it 10 times worse. It was you guys playing. Thank you.
I don't know, you weren't wrong somewhere. I'm gonna lie to you when you weren't wrong somewhere because why did you come to an app where you know everybody's finna get on your case? You look like a mad scientist, bro. No. You were flight zero. Actually, you were negative zero. You were negative three. Negative ten. Actually, scratch that. Negative hundred.
Okay, stop right there cuz that's the sound of the police. I'm writing you a one because this is horrible and whatever you just called me is like so offensive. That's just gonna kill me on my back. I feel like you're under my bed right now. Now, like, stop.