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Cc 458d
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Kaylen 457d
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Профиль удален
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Andrea Reyes 457d
Andrea Reyes
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Davian 457d
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Danika 457d
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Zaria 457d
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Xlpretty 457d
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Xlpretty 457d
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You big Oompa Loompa body no big big body ass bitch you crusty dusty musty busty opah Loompa body bitch
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You must be dusty crusty, rusty dusty, ugly, disgusting, rusty, dusty rats.
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You're not funny be quiet
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You nobody know daddy, no mama heaven has bastards.
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OK I'm gonna talk my shit like you said but basically what I'm saying is like I just do it right and like I mean this summer this summer school and two weeks ago but basically to be so right and then after that we've been like really touchy but I don't wanna be touched with him anymore because I'm asking for him and I don't wanna be like that with him at all like all my freaking God I don't know what to say and I'm trying to ghost him but I feel bad for ghosting him because I go to someone before it was a friend and I don't wanna do it again because like I feel really bad
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I still have more to say but like I don't know what to do and the only reason my lesbian friend because I miss someone else and like we call it he said I can give them about anything so I am like really thinking about coming to him to see what I can do just have reason to talk to him I don't know because this seems really messed up and I'm really not that type of person because he just got in touch with me out of nowhere and I don't wanna be like that with him at all
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Like I really don't know what to do like oh my freaking God like there's really nothing to do in the situation like what the fuck am I supposed to do I'm like I'm really stressing over here and like oh my God I'm literally missing the two days like in this week just so I don't have to seem like I don't have to freaking talk to him and he's away bro he literally freaking like doesn't talk to me in a freaking how easily talks to me is in the classroom which is a freaking stupid I come on bro
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Literally brought this but I'm just freaking tired I don't know if I make sense or not but I hope that I make sense and I hope that your freaking reply was with like something that I should do because there is I really don't know what to do like I feel really really really freaking bad
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You know what? Fuck off the seven girls who were talking shit about me, they can go fucking kill themselves.
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So I went to school at the school, so apparently she hates me and she would be there, but we're not cool ways to be best friends, but we stop because I started talking to her and she didn't like me. So then she started talking about that girl who was my friend too, and I was like, I'm gonna tell her I stopped talking about her. And then she started saying, hey, I'm a showbiz, oh yeah, I hate her, and I'm just gonna talk to mommy and I should say no to shit about her, and yes, she can take a...
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I low-key low-key low-key I hate black people bro like like froufrou like on everything bro I just hate them I hate knickers you know what I mean like like I'm not even gonna lie like I hate my own car you know what I mean like that's my preference is all you know
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Okay, I'll talk, I'll talk hella slow, but like, you know what I'm trying to get to, she's being fucked up and she has a boyfriend so like, that kinda makes it more fucking worse. But like, I don't really care because honestly my ex would still come back for me and it's his loss. Like I'm not trying to act like this shit, but like, you know what I mean? It's fucking annoying. Like, fuck, but, I don't know....like that. Have a f**king wine.
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Yo, is this my ass ***** and his program I'm in for December? Like, I'm so fucking scared to talk to him. Like, I don't know what the fuck to do. Cause like, what should I do y'all for? Because he don't talk shit, he look weird, like today he had been in the joke, right? Basically like how he was left in the tech time, so the council was like what you left man? He was like something about death. So I don't know if he's emo or what, but like he's still fine, so should I show my show? Bye-bye.
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I'm fucking shit now, hold on.
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So it was just grub and I invited her to our friend group because her other friends were being baked to her and stuff like that. But then she started talking about me when she got deep into the friend group to her other friends that was still talking about her. And I was like stop talking about me. I gave her one at the first time. Then after that she cut talking about me, my friends cut off. I gave her another chance. And then I cut her off afterwards. And then she was still talking about me. So I was like okay you forget this ass with me. She took that ass with me and she lost. and here her mama tried to press charges on me
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bitch I don't fight I don't fight little kids but this bitch gonna get it cuz it's a little girl and she was bothering my little brother and my brother three years older than her and she's 12 and I'm like okay well I gotta find a 21 today but yeah I was like just stop bothering him stop bothering him stop bothering him and I told him tell her stop bothering you or you gonna get your big sister he told her that already she kept going so to the point where I was gonna fight her auntie mind you her auntie grown this book and I'm not so it's baby her auntie get it tow but yeah that's it
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