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Eduardo 386d
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PlayStation easy 100% zero question about it it's PlayStation or it's nothing like honestly like if you bring PC end of the question that's a whole different story it's PC all day every day nobody's ever gonna ask you again questions about it but I'm not about these two consuls my personal preference and I'm biased to I'm not gonna lie to you is is a PlayStation so OK bye
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Yeah all built weird the fuck PC or fucking PlayStation
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I'm a keep it real right so if you got a PC bro don't even think about getting an Xbox Consol bro cause you already got your Consol right there in your PC you can play all the Xbox games on your PC so like there's no point of getting a consul PlayStation on the other hand you're forced to get a PlayStation to play the PlayStation games you feel me so like there's really no point of the Xbox Consol so I may have to say PlayStation because peters third is better
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Hi I add I got a PlayStation but like I gotta go to Xbox on this cause I only fly with a PlayStation I don't have a search engine sheet I'm trying watch my movies elite elite shut up fat expose my Sisemore
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