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Marciana 474d
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Monse 473d
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NTF-Syzo 473d
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RipPopSmoke 473d
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Luke 473d
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So I was talking with an online friend of mine who lives in Tennessee and they told me they want to go see the little mermaid movie there are actually adults out there protesting outside the movie theater with signs saying that's not their Ariel and all that fun stuff and they had to police you know looking out and making sure nothing happened so I'm just curious about if you guys are seeing anything like this when it comes to little mermaid movie wherever you live and Thoughts
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Do you notice how like everybody that's protesting notice about the aerial is like races is like literally all races in America like they're literally saying racial slurs and stuff like that to Ariel and I think it's embarrassing because they never want to so rise up and college village accomplish all this stuff I just want us to settle down and I think that's really like wrong
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I saw the movie and I did not like it and people always assume is always because the race like it's not about race is about if the movie is good or not in the movie personally for me it was noggin like most of the songs were not needed and yeah the soundtrack wasn't the best
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If we start out we can be
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Uh, yeah, shit, unrealistic as fuck. I mean, fuck. Number one, my remains ain't real. to black people cancel it.
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Add I think ages kind of stupid if you want to be butt hurt and protest about Ariel being black then I mean why you don't have to do that it's more just taking time out of your own day because the movies already out they're just not gonna take it out of theaters but personally I think it's fine I have no problem with it but yeah
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