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Alyssa 514d
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Bee 513d
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Troy McClure 512d
Troy McClure
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Savannah Marie Wagner
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CajKev 512d
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Gamerboyyy 512d
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Darnell-Joe Luke
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Hey guys it's Jamie here with a bouquet question today so I heard there is this one couple who actually play the Ouija boards together they were one night in their basement and they thought hey what's more funner than playing with the Ouija board and summoning some thing that's scary and spooky so they both put the fingers on the little board and it starts to move And then the board started shaking and that's when they were so scared they stopped playing with it they decided to never play with it again because they were scared of what happened and they threw the board in the garbage a couple weeks later the girlfriend started hearing things around the house she was so spooked out but the boyfriend decided that they should both move out of that house because they thought it would be haunted after playing with the Ouija board so this is where my question comes in have you ever had a partner and you play with the Ouija board or any other scary games together let me know in the comments ask for me I've never played with a partner the Ouija board but I have done it with my cousin I know why it does move and it is scary but I would never do it again
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Hell no I I don't plan on it if he wanted to I'd be like no I'm good don't sole you but I'm not with it and I don't think he would either
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No, but do you think that's real?
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Nah, I've actually never played that. I'm not really into board games too much, but that That one would be kind of funny.
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Yeah I played it I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend it don't do it I would not recommend playing the Ouija board
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Nope, don't have a partner either.
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No, my partner never played the Ouija board, but if they did, they would never be with me. I am on that demon ship.
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