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Caroline Forbes
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Zawg 503d
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Chan Be Busy 503d
Chan Be Busy
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Marc Brewer 503d
Marc Brewer
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RaSean Mitchell
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Chris Cash 503d
Chris Cash
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Jaclyn Passaro
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James Cartmell
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Savannah Marie Wagner
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Do you guys like noise cancellation on headphones like for me that's like one of my favourite things because obviously can't hear anything else other than the music but sometimes I feel like when I've had it on for too long I feel like I'm going deaf
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Yeah Nick nice I have noise canceling headphones I just got really paranoid of not hearing anything so I took them off
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do these cancellation headwinds as I use them when I'm in school revising because I could just block everyone out.
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Why would we not?
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I love them because when I want to escape life and just listen to music they come in handy. And having interruptions while you listen to music is annoying. Being around annoying people is annoying and just not having a way to escape. Yeah.
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I mean it depends on the context right like I like putting headphones on without music on just so people won't bother you But you can still hear other people Like you can hear the couple breaking up in the scene in front of you or the person working on their screenplay or the mom Who's over trips to San Diego because she's just too rich Yeah, that's the kind of stuff I live for so I'm don't really care if their noise canceling or not I'm still I'm still gonna be listening dynamically, if that makes sense.
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Yeah, I like them especially, you know, if you go to the gym or you know you're going on a road trip or somewhere, you know, airplane traveling, things like that. You know, especially when you're trying to like watch a movie or TV show, not just for songs. So I think they're good.
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See I like the noise canceling but if I'm by myself I turn it off because you really can't hear anything if somebody could definitely could catch you slipping
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Yes, I absolutely like the noise cancellation, especially when you're in an airplane, because airplanes are so loud and you want to pay attention to something, watch a movie, whatever. I think it also helps calm it, clean anxiety as well.
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Yeah here I have a new Sony noise cancelling headphones and I after purchasing them I'd literally couldn't live without them and there's also a cool feature where you can turn headphones on we're going to noise cancelling you don't even have to be playing any music and I can't hear anyone there like a mufflers and yeah I couldn't live without them now if I'm on a train or something I need to study I just put my headphones on and I can study and I just don't hear anything yet
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I kind of like yeah they don't have phones it's just really nice you know like just silence is nice sometimes
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