So guys I don't know what to do my friend told me to go get breakfast today I took out his brand new Tesla and I freaking crashed it should I tell him or should I just make up something to say a car hit me like I don't know like it was like I don't I'm scared as hell what should I do
I think you know you should find out if it has dachshunds or any of the cars that I know had any β can you lie in the Sun has come on camera fact I don't think the best had a truth but a test of the test and it like yeah you're going to have to pay for that have you got some savings because they were films everything now they're just a bit of lying
Are you starting to make the stories you silly Billy I know silly Jason I don't think the stories are true Jason but if I was in the position I will be shut up and tell him because then the truth comes out always always always
Like, honestly, you should just say that their car crashed into you, but still tell them that they've been in a little accident, but like just twisted a little bit and saying that they crashed into you and shit like that.
I would definitely tell him because it's at the end of the day it's better to be honest so tell him but then at the end of the day you're also gonna have to still be like hey dude like I'm gonna pay for it I'm gonna get it fixed because that's just what a good friend would do
if you can get away with making something up, make something up because what's point telling, you know? it won't hurt him, you know, can't hurt him if he doesn't know about it Did I really look at some other guy fucked up? knowledge.