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Rose Emanuel 541d
Rose Emanuel
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Stereo SafeSpace
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Ethan polk 541d
Ethan polk
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Rave 541d
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Eshika Singh 541d
Eshika Singh
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Ervin Shyti 541d
Ervin Shyti
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Elly 541d
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Jayde Alexandria
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Jayde Alexandria
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What is most important? Mental health or your physical health? For me, I think both play a big part, but mental health is definitely a big problem.
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Mental health you can't go forward with physical health if you're not mentally ready and prepared for it so mental health all the way
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It's mental health because if your physical health is down like at least you're still there in your head but I feel like if your mental health is declining then you're going to really just let yourself go completely and like you know that means your physical health eventually decline whereas if your physical health is declining as if we're talking about like overweight or underweight you can still be happy like that
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OK here's the thing about that like to be mentally healthy or be physically healthy too so it doesn't directly correlate to each other like you can't sit around all day stuff your face and expect to be happy it's just it doesn't work like that so yeah you know
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I feel like they go hand in hand, but more so like when you work out and you are in tune with your physical health, that helps your mental health. So I guess I would say your physical health is more important because your mental health relies on it.
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I mean both of them are like really important but I was saying mental health is really more important because like people struggle with him more than physical hoe because like there's already how does shout out there for like you know you're a normal house so like it's easier to get cared or whatever it's a feel better with all that's how you say it like you know so I'm saying mental health yeah that's definitely more important
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I feel like you can't compare that to like if your mental health is bad it can lead to you going down a rabbit hole in different areas a real life but on the other hand if your physical health is bad like you could literally be in the hospital like there is no in between I feel like to be healthy and generally I need to have a good balance
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I think mental health is far more important than physical health.
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I definitely think mental health is more important than a physical health person and physical health is very important but hear me out if you are good and stable mentally that will genuinely help you out physically to so I definitely think like if your mental how to schedule your physical health will be just as good think mental health definitely it is like my important as her tuition exam
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I thought I listened incredibly silly question and yet a question that honestly does require reflection because I feel like there's been times where I have been compromising my mental health to keep up with my physical health Hell yeah so a mental health I feel like requires fitness it really does but I also think it
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Like, they are so collected, and yet, if you are compromising your mental health to be at the gym five days a week, you are not dealing with what's in your mind, you will never be healthy.
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