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Ervin Shyti 537d
Ervin Shyti
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Ava Cowan 537d
Ava Cowan
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John Sina 537d
John Sina
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Alice Swash 537d
Alice Swash
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Mitzi Mendoza 537d
Mitzi Mendoza
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Sikko 537d
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Triggzy 537d
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Daniel Jordan 537d
Daniel Jordan
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Daniel Jordan 537d
Daniel Jordan
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Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Storey 537d
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Eyes are also what is your number one go to for breakfast I need some new ideas let me know
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I think pancakes with Nutella
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I feel like I go through phases when I eat like a breakfast like every single day for a couple months and then I get sick of it and I switch but anyway right now I am loving eggs with avocado toast and then like berries it's so good
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I personally like two slices of bread toasted, some cream cheese and a That post is on top. that I do breakfast.
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Another I don't eat breakfast I eat breakfast can't type of foods but not at breakfast time but yeah I mean I'm English so I did like English breakfast so hot Friday sausage rolls bacon sandwiches things like that
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I like having him like scrambled eggs with either hammer turkey bacon and then like a side of roasted potatoes
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It's gonna be English breakfast eggs turkey bacon beans hashbrowns finish the best breakfast
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Either pancakes or English breakfast
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And religious depends but you know how versatile eggs are but you probably obviously had eggs in your life before but you can do some slow scrambled eggs you can just do some simple scrambled eggs you can do eggs with soy sauce in them which by the way adds a hold of the flavor profile into MSG into little bit MSG in there with the soy sauce makes it 10 times better you can do a egg sandwich with whatever you want on the sauce whatever bacon whatever
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Like just saying look up new ways to cook eggs like normally with my egg sandwiches I do like a slow scrambled egg and leave them a little bit mushy I should do a Japanese way in at the very end I don't pop the egg yolks one scrambling and I pop the egg yolk at the very end to make it really really creamy and I do a Friday and then I'll put all that on till like to toasted bread slices
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And then if I have lettuce side some lettuce normally I add a mixture of like a pretty good amount of mayonnaise like 3/4 or not 34 3/4 ketchup I compared to the mayonnaise and then like a decent amount of mustard and that's like a sauce I like put quite a bit on top and then a little bit of onions do the stuff taste like it's out of the dream by the way you cook eggs with soy sauce and stuff
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I'm practically giving you a whole recipe and you are actually sauce to the eggs you had a little bit of MSG obviously some pepper Also when you have a Friday you leave the egg yolk and pop so that like whatever that you'll does pop it's all over the sandwich I have like perfected an egg sandwich I love you dude
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I don't eat breakfast.
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