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Zay stantana 523d
Zay stantana
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Tiffany 523d
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Alan R 523d
Alan R
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Senor Pequenos
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Fights n wild ash
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Gsil 523d
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Lewis 523d
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Phil 523d
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Omar Elhabassi
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Romeo Dos Santos
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How do y'all feel about TikTok getting banned me I think that's a stupid idea because I love TickTock I love doing challenges watching funny videos
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I don't give a fuck but it's a good source of quotes and I'm saying like like saying something that you want to say but you don't know how to say it and someone else says it in it just makes sense because you didn't see it but they said it
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I think it's terrible because TikTok's the only actual real news that we get to see. There's things I've seen on there that has happened that aren't even on the news. I think they want to ban it because they don't want to seeing everything that's going on in the world.
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I don't think it's happening. There's just no way. There's like way too many people to use it like a billion people use tic-tac So just take that all away? No, I don't think so.
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I agree, I think it's fucking stupid. It's the platform I've been on the longest and it's my largest platform. I'm gonna be fucking depressed if it's gone. Mostly because like you said, I just like the interactive collaborative experience of it all. You know, I like it, it's fun. I don't think it's actually gonna happen though, for just weirdly reasons that people have talked to me about before. I really hope it doesn't, but if it does, fuck, I'm gonna be upset. Thankfully, Reels is doing okay. So, you know, there's something to fall back on, but still.
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First floor for TikTok text I deleted my favorite filter they deleted everything what is the app like it's not gonna delete it anyways go fucking TripIt and I can have like almost hit every day but I can go to any other social media
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Personally I think that's not a great idea man, ended the day. I was in a final tip talk at first but I gave it a bit of time and I realised it's actually quite helpful and convenient so I personally don't agree with the idea of it being banned. But others will see otherwise and understand the word which comes onto the perception in individual using it.
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I think they tried that once before I don't think it's gonna happen but do you know if it happens oh well I'm not relate to you know there's other apps to meet great people on so I'm not really too keen on it I don't really care I know it is what it is
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I just need a logic behind banning Tik Tok doesn't really make any sense I've been on Twitter for like a couple years now and I've seen worse stuff on Twitter and I've seen on TikTok in anytime I being on it so I think the logic behind is Megan he says realistically if you being TikTok you have to be a Twitter right like I said delete the band doesn't make any sense is my opinion
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I mean the speakers are so many people that make their income from the airport if they're spying for the Chinese government and it only makes sense
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I think the US are just a very very scared of China because they know they put bullshit on the American feed and Good stuff on the China feed. So the Chinese people You know, you're just gaping the American kids day by day so I guess good move on behalf of America, but Just also is bad because that means they can just do whatever the fuck they want They've just banned TikTok without anyone's consent like what about the people that like TikTok, you know saying
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