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Geo Brando 522d
Geo Brando
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Omar Elhabassi
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I have a question. Let's start this out for the guys first girls. I'll get you all and I can think of a good one to choose from. Alright, you have 24 hours to live. The doctor comes to you and says, hey, I can cure you. You can be cured of this illness, but you have to get rid of one of two things. You must either lose your eyesight and be blind forever or lose your dick. The choice is yours to survive.
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Look, I'm already blind this shit, so it don't even fucking matter. I'll just be fucking blind. I can't lose the dick. I might as well die if I lose that shit so uh yeah.
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Yo, was there like a third option to end it all?
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The doctor didn't give a third option, he only gave those two choices. With what those two choices do is you will, but you still have those two choices. So, yeah, there's no third option. Suicide is, that's an automatic opt-out. Anyone can just opt-off themselves. But yeah, only those two.
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Category of the Crown Jewels van I'll be honest like living with her as I would just be so long I live in a row that would be long as well but that's on your part of my life if my eyes has gone that's my entire life master
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