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Notsograndkai 527d
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Jazzy 527d
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Stephanie Tejada
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Tally Mei 526d
Tally Mei
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Ed B 526d
Ed B
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The Deep Dive 526d
The Deep Dive
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Some Dude 526d
Some Dude
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Edward Burke 526d
Edward Burke
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Nelson Hernandez
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Chris 526d
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Search Superman movies dropped and I will let you guys think about you going to go watch it do you think you'll be good person for me I was put off at the fact that Mario spoke but at the same traffic is a bit childish close house or the movie progress if you can speak so yeah I'm have to watch it and I'll get them I thought slayer on
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I was kind of late because I already watched it but I'm gonna say it's people like hated Chris Pratt to be Mario but it was like honestly a very very good movie to me. I think they should make another and I hope if they do the villain is either Bowser Jr. and Metal Mario or Wario and Waluigi. I feel like that would be really like well because the movie was just actual peak.
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D dot, D D Osama, naughty n dot t dot I don't even know
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The super Mario movie looks cool but I just I don't know if I'm like feeling how it's like just a cartoon I think it would've been cool or if they made like the actors be Mario and you know whatever I think it would've been better live action than animated
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Oh I have heard a lot of good things about it so far I don't know if I'll go see it movies are kind of expensive nowadays until I really only go see the ones in theater that I really really want to
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I am not gonna watch it I just I can't I can't give them the money to hit my nostalgic button 87,000 times I'm not into it
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I thought it was pretty good I like the other low Estring some thought as soon as the game series LOL
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Well, I think Mario is kind of hot to be honest and I mean I would say some other stuff but Because of legal reasons, I can't.
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I think I'll continue to like it as a game but I'm definitely going to visit the super Nintendo world that just opened in California
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Yeah I'm gonna plan on seeing it with the kids eventually I just don't think my youngest is going to sit there and watch some Mario movie I got to figure out how to get her entranced
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I love Super Mario fucka bitch
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