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Larissa Alana 526d
Larissa Alana
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Larissa Alana 526d
Larissa Alana
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Christina Marshall
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Odil Jumanov 526d
Odil Jumanov
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Alan R 526d
Alan R
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Eshika Singh 525d
Eshika Singh
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Alondra Ruiz
Erik Q 525d
Erik Q
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Alondra Ruiz
Edward Burke 525d
Edward Burke
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Cee 525d
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We all have had that toxic friend or family member that always tries to put you down. How have you dealt with that or how do you deal with current toxic friends or family members? I just don't think whatever, type whatever is a personal. And if they are somebody that I can turn off, I just cut them off. But if they're all around I just literally ignore them
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You have to learn boundaries I mean family can get cut off too I mean I am so old now for the BS and whether it's friends or family if they're getting cut off you know what I mean because I have no time for the toxic BS
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It's just not in the long run worth it, you know, especially if it's something that's gonna cause issues with my mental health, then you gotta go. So yeah, I just keep my distance from a lot of family members and toxic friends, they gotta go.
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I cut them off because I do not deal with toxic people. I don't care if it's friends or family like I would cut them off.
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I just ignore them like I don't need any toxic in my own space.
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I think a lot of us have landed on just ignoring them because we've tried like everything else and it's failed miserably. You can't say anything. Oh that will start a fight. You can't just do something else that's not attacking them like suddenly trying to change their mind anything. Telling other people all of it's failed.
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I feel like with these type of people you have to create distance and boundaries boundaries in the sense that you have to communicate what they're doing isn't right why it's not right and make them understand why it's not right and if they still don't understand it then it's a straight up distance
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I'll completely agree with you. Yeah, some people just don't know what boundaries are, how to respect them, and the only way to, I guess, not deal with their BS is to put distance and say bye bye.
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Yeah, I've learned something interesting today, right? And, initially it's with you when it comes to your state as in being positive. Now you can try and influence other people, family or friends in that, right? But, ultimately, if that doesn't work then it's not part of your control. The best you can do is just avoid as much possible and, you know, I would say love from distance.
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Yes, I agree with you. I think it's important to be positive and maybe let them know their action is making you feel a kind of way. And if that doesn't change, if that person doesn't take it right, it's better to avoid them as much as possible and just create some distance for the sake of both.
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Is there any reason I own an ax chop chop
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Well, not just friends and family, like literally anyone. I'm not really good with coping with this kind of stuff. So I just go to my room sit down listen to music go watch Netflix
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